1932 Open Season on Migratory WaterfowlThe new Federal amendment to the migratory bird treaty act provides for two months open season on ducks, coot, geese and brant in Nebraska this coming fall.
The season in Nebraska will open at NOON October 1st, and will close at SUNDOWN November 30th, 1932.
The new regulations makes the state bag on ducks ineffective leaving the bag limit as follows:
Ducks, daily bag limit for all species, except Ruddy and Buffle-head 15, of which number not more than 10 of each or in the aggregate may be Canvas-backs, Redheads, Scaups, Ringnecks, Blue-winged Teal, Green-winged Teal, Cinnamon Teal, Gadwalls and Shovellers.
The possession limit on ducks is double the daily bag limit.
No open season on Ruddy and Buffle-head ducks.
Coot, daily bag limit 20; possession 20.
Geese, 4 a day; possession 5. Brant, 4 a day; possession 5.
No change in the season or bag on Wilson or Jacksnipe and rails.
Not more than 25 live duck decoys or 10 live goose decoys can be used at any one blind.
After the opening day shooting will begin not earlier than one-half hour before sunrise and stop at sundown.
Official Bulletin Nebraska Game, Forestation and Parks Commission VOL. VII OCTOBER, 1932 NO. 4 CONTENTS TEN DAYS OPEN SEASON ON PHEASANTS __________5 TWO MONTHS DUCK SEASON ____________________6 EDITORIAL ________________________________8 THE SAND HILLS, by Mabel J. B. Scattergood ________________9 "IKES" HOLD ANNUAL CONVENTION _____________________10 GAME AND PARKS ACTIVITIES ___________________________11Sportsman's Creed
1. Never in sport endanger human life. 2. Never kill wantonly, or needlessly or brutally. 3. Obey the laws of State and Nation, work for better laws and uphold the lawenforcing authorities. 4. Respect the rights of farmers and property-owners and also their feelings. 5. Always leave seed birds and game in covers. 6. Never be a fish-hog. 7. Discourage the killing of game for commercial purposes by refusing to purchase trophies. 8. Study and record the natural history of game species in the interest of science. 9. Love Nature and its denizens and be a gentleman.
Water lilies and other aquatic vegetation are very necessary for fish life. The above nursery harbors thousands of insects upon which small fish feed, and is therefore well adopted to fish culture.

Official Bulletin Nebraska Game, Forestation and Parks Commission VOL. VII OCTOBEE, 1932 NO. 4Ten Days Open Season on Pheasants
NEBRASKA hunters will for the fifth time enjoy an annual open season on Ringneck Pheasants. The 1932 season will last ten days and embrace seventy-six counties.
At a meeting held in September the Game Commission decided to open the same counties as were opened last year and to set the dates from October 22 to 31 inclusive.
The opening of a large territory in 1931 proved highly successful and caused much less complaint from farmers. There was not the concentration of hunters as took place when only a few counties were open and, generally speaking, the hunting was not as hard on the birds as there was sufficient "seed" left in all parts of the State.
The dates for hunting were made later than customary this year owing to the fact that there are many late hatches of Dirds this year. Owing to continual rains last spring, many hens did not nest until late, with the result that there are still many young birds to be seen.
Counties shown white are open in 1932. Those closed are black.
The scrip plan authorized by the last session of the Legislature will be in force again this year.
The dates for hunting were made later than customary this year owing to the fact that there are many late hatches of birds this year. Owing to continual rains last spring, many hens did not nest until late, with the result that there are still many young birds to be seen.
The scrip plan authorized by the last session of the Legislature will be in force again this year.
"A number of hunters and farmers misunderstood the use of scrip," one of the Game Commissioners stated recently. "It should be kept in mind that the Hunter's Shooting Scrip is a voluntary matter. No farmer need accept it unles he wishes,and no hunter need buy it. if he has a place to hunt where the land owner does not require its use. However, any farmer desiring to use scrip can do so. All he need do is to post his farm with scrip signs (furnished free by the Game Commission) and request hunters to give him a coupon for each bird taken. There are no strings on farmers who do this."
Pheasants need not be tagged, where taken into the counties that are closed, but where this is done, the hunter should tell the game warden where birds are taken if requested to do so.
The regulations, as prescribed by the Commission, follow:
In accordance with Chapter 70, Session Laws, 1931 State of Nebraska, an open season on ringneck pheasants is hereby declared in all parts of Nebraska EXCEPT the following counties:
Box Butte Johnson Sarpy Cass Lancaster Saunders Cherry Nemaha Sheridan Dawes Otoe Sioux Douglas Pawnee Washington Gage RichardsonThe open season shall be for a period of ten (10) days, beginning at 7 a. m. October 22, 1932 and ending at 6 p. m., October 31, 1932. No hunting is permissable between sunset and one-half hour before sunrise of each day.
The daily bag limit during the above season shall be five in 1932. Those closed ana black. (g) male birdg or f()Ur (4) male and one (1) female bird and the possession limit shall be five (5) male birds or four (b) male birds and one (1) female bird.
Birds will not be tagged as heretofore, but all persons carrying birds into closed counties will upon request of a game warden or any law enforcement officer or employee of the State Game Commission state the name and location of farm or farms where birds were taken.
All persons hunting on private land must obtain the consent of the owner or person in charge. It is unlawful to enter upon private land without such consent and persons violating the law will be prosecuted.
The ownership and title to all game birds rests in the state and such birds cannot be sold. However, farmers who desire to collect 50 cents for each pheasant taken on their own land as a trespass and feeding charge may do so by using the official "Hunter's Shooting Scrip." Where this is done, the official scrip must be used.
(Continued On Page 13)
Two Months Duck Season
WATERFOWL hunters are to have a two months open shooting season this fall and winter, according to amendments to the Migratory Bird Treaty Act Regulations, approved by President Hoover. A curtailed season of only thirty days obtained last fall owing to the shortage of ducks because of drought and drainage in the breeding grounds in the north central states and Canada. Conditions in the breeding grounds are reported much improved this summer.
Bag limits remain at 15, except that the bag shall contain not more than 10 birds in the aggregate of canvasbacks, redheads, greater and lesser scaups, ringnecks, blue wing, greenwing and cinnamon teal, gadwalls and shovellers. These species are in need of greater protection than the common ducks such as mallard, black duck, pintail and others, according to the Biological Survey.
The season was also opened on eider ducks with a daily bag limit of five, a part of the 15 maximum limit. The season, however, was closed on ruddy ducks and buffleheads as these varieties are too scarce to permit shooting.
The opening and closing dates of the two months season vary in different sections of the country. These dates were fixed by the U. S. Department of Agriculture after consultation with state game departments and the Migratory Bird Advisory Board.
Opening and closing dates of the season in the respective states follow;—
October 1 to November 30—Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, and Nevada.
October 16 to December 15—Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York (except Long Island), West Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arizona, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington.
November 1 to December 31—Long Island, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Kentucky, California, and in that portion of Texas lying west and north of a line beginning on the Rio Grande west of Del Rio, running easterly to the Louisiana Line.
November 16 to January 15—Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi, Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia, South Caroline, North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, and that portion of Texas lying south and east of the above line.
November 20 to January 15—Florida. September to October 31—Alaska.
The live goose decoy limitation was discontinued, except in California where the state requested that no live goose decoys be used. The limit was ten live goose decoys last year. Live duck decoys are limited to twenty-five by the new regulations; states may reduce the number.
The present noon hour opening for waterfowl shooting was continued. So was the usual bag and possession limits on geese and brant. Control of baiting, rest days, and other regulations was left to the states.
"The new waterfowl regulations just announced are in keeping with the general sentiment expressed at the hearings before the Senate Committee on Wild Life early in April, at which time the American Game Association and other organizations went on record for a continuous season of not less than two months. It was felt that a short concentrated shooting season was inimical to the ducks and unfair to the sportsmen," Seth Gordon, president of the Association said.
"With the states having had a definite part in recommending seasons and other restrictions, it is hoped that all state game officers will make a special effort to assist in the enforcement of the new regulations," he concluded.
Western sportsmen have always been amused to learn that a number of eastern states import thousands of cottontailed rabbits each winter. They do not realize that in some of these states more than two-thirds of the hunters prefer a rabbit chase to any other kind of hunting.
But there is a reason. Far-sighted conservation officials began protecting rabbits to reduce the drain on their upland game birds.
Pennsylvania has been purchasing 50,000 and more rabbits annually for some years past; New Jersey and Maryland about 10,000 each. Originally Pennsylvania secured a few rabbits from old Virginia. The officials there soon objected because the prize game sport of their darkey hunters was being reduced, and the demands for quail and other game were increased.
Next they went to Kentucky, with the same results.
Then to the states of Missouri and Kansas, where in recent years the local sportsmen have been objecting.
Now Pennsylvania and New Jersey are both beginning to propagate cottontails in captivity for stocking purposes in anticipation of the day when other states cannot supply their needs, also to prevent the possible importation of diseases. The Pennsylvania experiments are being made in twenty-five and fifty acre enclosures.
Smile if you will, but plenty of rabbits save the grouse, the ringneck, the quail and other game birds and rabbit hunting is fine sport when pursued as such and not as part of a day's job.
The Nebraska Game Commission will make efforts this fall to secure more animals for the Wild Cat Hills State Game Reserve in Scotts Bluff County. It is likely that efforts will be made to secure some mountain sheep which were once native to western Nebraska, efforts will also be made to secure more elk and buffalo to balance the herds now in the reserve and to offset inbreeding.

Open Seasons for Migratory Game Birds, 1932-33
(Compiled from data supplied by the U. S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Biological Survey; the various states and the Canadian Province.)THE OPEN SEASONS HERE SHOWN INCLUDE BOTH DATES, and are the periods when migratory game birds may be taken without violating Federal regulations or state law.
SEASON OPENS AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON on all migratory game birds except woodcock, doves and band-tailed pigeon.
CONSULT FEDERAL AND STATE LAWS in regard to sunset and sunrise provisions, as the Federal law prohibits hunting-migratory game birds from sunset to half an hour before sunrise, and some states further restrict shooting hours. Sunday hunting is prohibited in all states east of 105 meridian except Illinois, Louisiana, Michigan. Rhode Island, Texas and Wisconsin. In Alabama, California, Florida, Maryland, North Carolina, Virginia and Wisconsin certain days are set aside as rest days on which waterfowl may not be hunted.
NO OPEN SEASON on wood duck, ruddy duck, bufflehead, swans, snow geese in Atlantic Coast States; Ross' goose and cackling geese throughout their range; bobolink (redbirds), cranes and all shorebirds except Wilson's snipe or jacksnipe and woodcock.
BAG LIMITS in the United States as prescribed by the Federal regulations are as follows: A person may take in any one day during the open seasons prescribed therefor not to exceed the following numbers of migratory game b'.rds, which numbers shall include all birds taken by any other person who for hire, accompanies or assists him in taking migratory birds; and in the case of ducks and geese when so taken these may be possessed in the numbers specified as follows: Ducks (except wood ducks), 15 in the aggregate of all kino's, 30 in possession, except that the bag shall not contain more than 10 in the aggregate of canvasbacks, redheads, greater and lesser scaups (bluebills), ringnecks, bluewing, gree-nwing and cinnamon teal, gadwalls and shovellers, and more than five eider ducks. Geese, including brant, 4 in the aggregate of all kinds, 8 in possession. Coots, 25. Sora, 25. Rails and Gallinules (except sora and coots), 25 in the aggregate of all ivinds, but not more than 15 of any one species. Wilson's Snipe or Jacksnipe, 20. Woodcock, 4. Mourning Doves, 18. Band-tailed Pigeon, 10.
STATE REGULATIONS should be consulted for bag limits, as some states further reduce bag Hmits. The above prescribed Federal regulations represent the maximum bag limits allowed under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act.
CANADIAN REGULATIONS—Consult Provincial authorities for Canadian bag limits. While open seasans for Canada listed below are correct to the best of our knowledge, they should be checked with Provincial authorities.
UNITED STATES Duck, Goose-Brant, Coot Wilson's Snipe or Jacksnipe Woodcock Rail, Gallinule ' Band-tailed Pigeon Dove Nov. Sept. Oct. Nov. Nov. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Nov. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Oct. Nov. Oct. Oct. Oct-Nov. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. NOV. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Oct. Oct. ov. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. 16-Jan. 1-Oct. 16-Dec. 16-Jan. 1-Dec. 1-Nov. 16-Dec. 1-Dec. 20-Jan. 16-Jan. 16-Dec. 16-Dec. 16-Dec. 1-Nov. 16-Dec. 1-Dec. 16-Jan. 16-Dec. 16-Jan. 16-Dec. 1-Nov. 1-Nov. 16-Jan. 16-Dec. 1-Nov. 1-Nov. 1-Nov. 16-Dec. 1-Dec. 16-Dec. 16-Dec. 1-Dec. 16-Jan. 1-Nov. 16-Dec. 16-Dec. 16-Dec. 1-Dec. 16-Dec. 16-Jan. 1-Nov. 16-Jan. 1-Dec. 16-Jan. 1-Nov. 16-Dec. 16-Jan. 16-Dec. 16-Dec. 1-Nov. 1-Nov. 15 1-Jan. 1-Dec. 16-Nov. 1-Jan. 1-Dec. 1-Dec. 1-Dec. 16-Jan. 20-Jan. 1-Jan. 1-Dec. 1-Dec. 1-Dec. 1-Dec. 1-Dec. 1-Jan. 1-Jan. 1-Dec. 1-Jan. 1-Dec. 1-Dec. 1-Dec. 1-Jan. 1-Dec. 1-Dec. 1-Dec. 1-Dec. 1-Dec. 16-Jan. 16-Jan. 1-Dec. 16-Jan. 1-Jan. 1-Dec. 1-Dec. 16-Jan. 1-Dec. 1-Dec. 1-Dec. 1-Jan. 1-Dec. 1-Jan. 16-Jan. 1-Jan. 1-Dec. 1-Nov. 1-Jan. 1-Dec. 1-Dec. 1-Dec. 15 Dec. 1-Dec. 31 Sept. Sept. 1-Nov. 1-Nov. 30 30 .................. Sept. Nov. 1-Sept. 20-Jan. 30 31 Sept. 15 Oct. 15 i Nov. 31 Oct. 15 30 15 31 Dec. i-bec. 15 Sept. Sept. Sept. 1-Dec. 1-Dec. 1-Sept. 15 15-Dec. 15 Sept. Oct. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. S.ept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Nov. Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Sept. Sept. Nov. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. 1-Nov. 1-Nov. 1-Nov. 1-Nov. 1-Nov. 1-Nov. 1-Nov. 1-Nov. 1-Nov. 1-Nov. 16-Nov. 1-Nov. 1-Nov. 1-Jan. 1-Nov. 1-Nov. 1-Dec. 1-Nov. 1-Nov. 1-Nov. 1-Nov. 1-Nov. 1-Nov. 1-Nov. 1-Nov. 1-Nov. 1-Nov. 1-Nov. 1-Nov. 1-Nov. 1-Nov. 1-Nov. 1-Nov. 1-Nov. 1-Nov. 1-Nov. 1-Nov. 1-Nov. 1-Nov. 1-Oct. 1-Nov. 30 30 31 31 31 15 15 15 31 31 31 31 31 15 15 31 15 31 15 31 15 31 31 31 31 31 15 15 31 15 15 31 31 15 31 31 31 15 31 15 15 31 30 15 31 20 31 Dec 1-Dec. 15 15 31 15 15 15 15 15 30 15 31 15 15 15 15 3C 3d 15 15 30 30 30 15 31 15 15 31 15 30 15 15 15 31 15 15 30 15 31 15 30 15 15 15 15 30 30 Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Oct. Nov. Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Oct. Nov. Oct. Nov. Oct. Oct. Nov. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. 20-Nov. 19 15-Dec. 13 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 3 A Sept. Nov. Sept. Nov. Sept. Sept. 1-Dec. 20-Jan. 1-Sept. 20-Jan. 1-Dec. 1-Sept. 15 Dec. 1-Dec. 31 30 31 30 Oct. 15-Nov. 14 Nov. Sept. Dec. 1-Dec. 1-Dec. 1-Jan. 15 15 31 Nov. Dec. Oct. Nov. Oct. Oct. 15-Dec. 15 1-Dec. 31 1-Oct. 31 15-Dec. 10 20-Nov. 19 15-Oet. 26 31 30 15 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 31 31 30 Sept. Nov. 1-Sept. 15-Dec. 30 15 Dec. Nov. 1-Dec. 31 10-Dec. 10 Sept. Nov. Sept. 1-Sept. 20-Jan. 1-Dec. 30 3L 15 Sept. 1-Dec. 15 Oct. Oct. 1-Oct. 31 15-Nov. 14 Nov. 1-Nov. 15 Sept. 1-Dec. 15 Oct. Oct. Dec. 1-Oct. 31 15-Nov. 14 1-Dec. 31 Sept. Sov. 1-Sept. 20-Jan. 30 31 Oct. Nov. 15-Nov. 14 15-Dec. 15 Sept. t-Dec. 15 Oct. 16-Oct. 30 Oct. Oct. Dec. 15-Nov. 14 20-Nov. 19 1-Dec. 31 Rhode Island...... Sept. Nov. 1-Sept. 20-Jan. 30 31 South Dakota..... Sept. Sept. Oct. 1-Dec. 1-Oct. 1-Nov. 31 30 South...... Utah............... Oct. Nov. Nov. 1-Oct. 31 15-Dec. 15 15-Dec. 15 Sept. Oct. Sept. Sept. 1-Nov. 1-Nov. 1-Nov. 16-Nov. 1-Nov. 30 30 Sept. 1-Dec. Oct. 16-Oct. 30 30 30 CANADA Sept. Sept. Oct. Sept. Sept. Oct. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. 1-Nov. 15-Dec. 15-Jan. 20-Nov. 15-Dec. 1-Jan. 1-Dec. 1-Dec. 1-Dec. 15-Nov. 1-Dec. 1-Dec. 14 31 31 15 31 15 15 14 15 14 14 14 Sept. Sept. Oct. Sept. Oct. Oct. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. 1-Nov. 15-Dec 15-Jan 15-Nov 1-Nov. 1-Nov. 1-Dec. 15-Nov. 1-Dec. 15-Nov. 1-Dec. 1-Dec. 14 3. 31 30 30 ?C 15 30 15 14 14 14 Sept. Oct. Sept. Sept. Oct. Sept. Sept. Sept. 1-Nov. 15-Dec. 15-Jan. 20-Nov. 15-Dec. 1-Jan. 1-Dec. 1-Dec. 1-Deo. 14 31 31 15 31 15 14 15 British Col. (E.). British Col- (W.). Sept. 10-Oct. 15 Sept. 10-Oct. If Oct. Oct. Sept. Sept. Sept. 1-Nov. 30 1-Nov. 30 15-Nov. 30 15-Nov. 30 1-Dec. 15 Sept. Sept. 1-Dee. 1-Dec. 14 14
Published by Game, Forestation & Parks Commission Editorial Office, State Capitol, Lincoln, Nebraska PRANK B. O'CONNELL ---------------------------------Editor COMMISSIONERS: Charles W. Bryan, Lincoln, Chairman F. A. Baldwin, Ainswoxth, Vice Chairman George B. Hastings, Grant E. R. Purcell, Broken Bow Guy R. Spencer, Omaha J. B. Douglas, Tecumseh Frank B. O'Connell, Lincoln, Secretary Vol. VII October, 1932 No. 4EDITORIAL
TIPS ON HUNTING IN NEBRASKA Hunting Permits Resident fee________$1.10 Non Resident fee____10.10Unless holding a permit it shall be unlawful for any person sixteen years or older to hunt for, kill, shoot at, pursue, take or possess any kind of game. It shall also be unlawful for anyone to do or attempt to do any other thing for which a permit is provided, without first obtaining such permit and paying the fee therefor. Any violation of this provision shall constitute a misdemeanor and subject the offender to fine of not to exceed $100.00 except for trapping in violation of this section for which the punishment shall be a fine of from $5.00 to $500.00 or imprisonment not exceeding six months or both fine and imprisonment.
DAILY BAG LIMIT ON GAME Plovers _______________10 Rails (except coots) ------15 Snipe (Wilson and Jack) 15 Ducks and Coots ---------15 Geese, including Brant__4 Pheasants _____________5 Squirrels ______________10 Raccoons ______________3 Opossums _____________3The new regulations make the state bag on ducks ineffective leaving the bag limit as follows:
Ducks, daily bag limit for all species, except Ruddy and Bufflehead 15, of which number not more than 10 of each or in the aggregate may be Canvasbacks, Redheads, Scaups, Ringnecks, Blue-winged Teal, Cinnamon Teal, Gadwalls and Shovellers.
The possession limit on ducks is double the daily limit.
No open season on Ruddy and Buffle-head ducks.
Coot, daily bag limit 20: Possession 20.
Geese, 4 a day; Possession 5. Brant, 4 a day; Possession 5.
REVOCATION OR PERMIT FOR STARTING PRAIRIE FIRE OR INJURING STOCKAny permit issued shall be subject to revocation upon conviction of the holder thereof of any offense or if the holder shall carelessly set out or cause to start any prairie or forest fire or willfully injure any person or livestock with firearms while hunting, fishing or camping in this state.
It shall be unlawful to transfer, illegally use, or misuse permits.
For any person to procure a permit under, an assumed name or falsely state the place of his legal residence or make any other false statements in securing a permit.
To knowingly issue or aid in securing a permit under the provisions of this act for any person not legally entitled thereto.
For any person disqualified for a permit to hunt, fish or trap with or without a permit during any period when such right has been forfeited or for which his permit has been revoked by this commission.
OFFENSES RELATING TO GAME AND BIRDS IT SHALL BE UNLAWFUL in Nebraska to:—(a) To shoot from any public highway at any bird or animal protected by this act;
(b) To hunt for any of such birds or animals with a spotlight or other artificial light;
(c) To hunt or kill or attempt to hunt or kill any water fowl from any boat or water craft propelled by sails or electric, gas, or steam power or from an aeroplane or hydroplane;
(d) To use any rifle or swivel-gun or shotgun, larger than ten gauge in hunting any game birds, or to trap, snare, net, or attempt to trap, snare, or net any game bird or birds;
(e) To take or needlessly destroy the nests or eggs of any game bird or birds;
(f) To hunt or kill or attempt to hunt or kill any game bird or birds earlier than one-half hour before sunrise or later than sunset.
GENERAL REGULATIONS REGARDING GAME BIRDS AND FISH IN NEBRASKAIt is unlawful to buy, sell, or barter game birds, animals, or fish protected by the game laws of this state; Provided, however, catfish 13 inches in length or over, legally taken from the Missouri River on Permit issued by the Game Commission.
All game birds and fish shipped must be tagged in accordance with the law.
It is unlawful to hunt on private lands without permission of owner.
It is unlawful for anyone to trap fur-bearmg animals upon lands of another without his consent.
(Continued On Page 12)
The Sandhills
By Mabel J. B. ScattergoodTO know the beauty of the sandhills one must see them in every season of the year.
At first it is one monotonous hill after another, but see them when the sun is casting shadows that rest the eye. Just ride your pony to the highest crest, halt, and view the country. Miles and miles of rolling hills and valleys dotted with small groves of trees which look like monuments to the early homesteaders, who had tried to build a home and failed. Now these lands have been purchased by the few remaining homesteaders and used for raising cattle. Fences have taken the place of the Cowboys who used to ride the range. Good buildings and comfortable dwellings stand where the sod house and straw sheds stood. Light plants replace the old lamps and lanterns and automobiles and tractors the faithful horse.
The telephone, too, has played its part in making life in the sandhills more comfortable; it shortens the distance to the doctors office and does much to relieve the quiet of the lonely winter afternoon, but the sand hills remain the same.
SAND HILL SCENES (Upper). One of the many lakes found in the .
(Lower). A fishing resort
There are some fine lakes in the valleys where the wild birds rest in their annual flight, and where good fishing is found for those who enjoy that sport. Sometimes a creek, very small, wanders over the ground, and if you have time and patience to follow its winding course you will find the banks gradually getting steeper until they form a canyon, and instead of a few willows marking its course, large trees, ash, cedar,, oak, box elder and pine clothe its steep banks, and wild fruit bushes, plum, chokecherry, and raspberry, and grape vines are found there. The sand cherry, covering the hills with small bushes, laden with fruit, were among the earliest to ripen and often picnics were held where each one filled pails with the fruit before the lunch was eaten, as the early settlers depended entirely on these wild fruits for their winters supply of fruit-butters, jellies, and jams.
In by-gone years one heard the drumming of the prairie chicken in the early morning, and sometimes saw immense flocks of them, but these birds have become very scarce, following the path of the wood-pigeon and other birds, one plentiful. However, since the game laws are being enforced more strictly a few are seen, and perhaps they will come back.
Where the creek and lakes are too far away, windmills take their place, and many cow-paths lead to the over-flowing tanks. Sometimes, when the wind has lulled a few days, tanks will be empty, and the cattle stand, thirsty and quarrelsome, waiting for the wind, and they never have to wait very long.
But the dread of the homesteader and ranchman alike were the prairie fires. A neglected campfire, or a carelessly thrown match, a slight breeze and a fire was started that would cause loss and danger to all in its path, fanned by the rising wind, for it is a proven fact that a fire always creates a wind. The awful flames would rage up and down the hills, every thing racing ahead to keep out of its reach, wild life and cattle headed for the nearest lake. The men would fight and backfire to save their homes, but the flames would rush on until they would reach the creeks or railroad where they would be checked, leaving only blackened ground.
In the winter when the storms cover the hills and valleys with white there is still beauty in the hills. Then the ground is covered with a tracery of rabbit tracks, and often a blur on the snow shows where a coyote has got in its deadly work. Winter passes, spring comes, the melting snow rushes down the valleys and in a short time another beauty clothes the sandhills, this time of numerous wild flowers. Many colors are shown in the early summer; in June comes the wild roses, and in the fall, the flower of autumn, the goldenrod, is everywhere.

"Ikes" Hold Annual State Convention
THE Nebraska Division of the Izaak Walton League of America held its annual convention at Lincoln September 19th and 20th. A good attendance was on hand, and an excellent program was enjoyed by those present.
Among the speakers were Chas. W. Bryan, Governor of Nebraska and Chairman of the State Game Commission; Mayor Frank C. Zehrung, Mayor of Lincoln; J. N. "Ding" Darling, well known cartoonist and member of the Iowa Game Commission; former State Senator Dwight Griswold of Gordon; Fred Foster of the U. S. Fisheries and Frank B. O'Connell, secretary of the Nebraska Game Commission. Darling was the main speaker at the banquet on the evening and was introduced by Guy R. Spencer of Omaha, who like Darling is a cartoonist and a member of a State Game Commission.
Among the resolutions adopted by the convention were the following:—
I.RESOLVED, that the state directors of the Izaak Walton League inaugurate a Legislative Committee of three, which Committee shall confer with the Game, Forestation and Parks Commission regarding necessary changes in the fish and game laws and that said legislative Committee shall co-ordinate with the Game, Forestation and Parks Commission in getting these changes enacted into law by the state legislature.
II.BE IT RESOLVED that the Game, Forestation and Parks Commission shall be given discretionary powers to open and close all waters of the state and the establishment of bag limits of both fish and game.
III.REALIZING that many people have the principles of the Izaak Walton League at heart who are not financially able to give expression to their loyalty through regular memberships and,
REALIZING FURTHER that the Izaak Walton League now needs a more comprehensive count of its potential supporters than its regular memberships rules and dues make possible, therefore:
BE IT RESOLVED that the Nebraska Division of the Izaak Walton League of America in convention assembled, create a new classification of memberships to be known as the Associate Membership with a fee of $1.00. Said Associate Membership not to include a vote in the affairs of the organization but to be for the sole purpose of obtaining an expression of moral and in a limited way, financial support from a large number of people who at this time are with us but not of us.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the proceeds of this membership be divided fifty-cents to the local chapter and fifty cents to the State Division, it being the thought that the Associate Membership be considered purely an emergency measure and to terminate January 1, 1934 or until sufficient funds have been raised to pay off the existing deficit of the State organization.
BE IT RECOMMENDED that prizes solicited from whatever sources available by local chapters, be presented to the high producers of the Associate Memberships in each chapter.
IV.WHEREAS one of the prominent members of the Nebraska Chapter, Izaak Walton of America, on a recent trip abroad visited the cottage,' formerly the home of Izaak Walton which is in a splendid state of preservation and situated in a. beauty spot comprising some six hundred acres of land which he learned is to be offered for sale,.sand where^as this land may be made an Intenational park, thus becoming a suitable memorial of world significance to perpetuate the work and memory of one who has so successfully inspired love for the out-of-doors in the hearts of the world's sportsmen, therefore be it resolved by the Izaak Walton League of Nebraska, that a committee, of three be appointed to investigate the price at which this may be obtained, and the cost of maintenance. That this committee work with and through the Izaak Walton League of America toward the end that an appeal be made to all sportsmen and lovers of the out-of-doors throughout the world for means with which to purchase this historic Izaak Walton house and grounds in Dovedale, Derbyshire, England.
V.BE IT RESOLVED: That this convention express its thanks and appreciation of the hospitality of the city of Lincoln, and hard working officers of the local chapter and state organization and the many speakers who have provided such a fund of entertainment and instruction.
VI.BE IT RESOLVED by this convention of the Nebraska Division of the Izaak Walton League of America assembled in Lincoln on this 20th day of September, 1932 do hereby commend the cooperative spirit of the Bureau of Biological Survey and Bureau of Fisheries in the work they are carrying on in this state.
It is pleasing to know of the friendly spirit of cooperation existing between the Federal Government and the Nebraska Game, Forestation and Parks Commission for the preservation of outdoor resources in Nebraska.
VII.IN VIEW OF THE PACT that the laws of Nebraska are inadequate to safeguard our surface waters and ground waters from pollution we hereby recommend that laws be enacted as will safeguard us against such pollutions.
VIII.IN VIEW OF THE FACT that the crow is an international nuisance both of our game resources and agricultural resources be it therefore resolved that we recommend that the state and Federal Government inaugurate a policy and necessary agencies in cooperation with Canada and Mexico to eradicate this nuisance from our country.
IX.WHEREAS, it is the opinion of this organization that the changing weather conditions make inefficient the
(Continued On Page 12)
Game and Parks Activities
U. S. WILL NOT PRINT BULLETINSThe Government's publication on the game and fur laws, heretofore issued annually as Farmers' Bulletins, will not be printed for the season 1932-33, the U. S. Department of Agriculture announces. The Biological Survey has issued an announcement containing the text of the amended regulations providing a two months' waterfowl hunting season under the migratory-bird treaty act, however, and copies may be purchased from the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C, at five cents each. Persons desiring information regarding further restrictions set by State law or regulation on length of wild-fowl seasons or bag limits, and regarding licenses, license fees, and other hunting provisions, and fur-animal trapping seasons, are being referred to the appropriate State game department.
URGE HUNTERS TO PLANT WILD RICE IN SOUTH AS ATTRACTION FOR DUCKSSowing wild rice in marshy land to attract wild ducks on their annual fall flights could be done on a large scale in the South, says the U. S. Department of Agriculture. For several years the department's specialists have grown this rice successfully in southern areas.
Indians in Minnesota and Canada collect wild-rice seed in the fall and sell it to dealers who supply hunters, game conservation groups, and similar organizations with seed for planting in marshy land, making an attraction for the game.
The northern variety of wild rice will not grow successfully in the south, the department says. However, wild rice that grows in marshes all along the Atlantic coast from New Jersey to southern Georgia, is suitable for growing inland in the South. Hunters in the South who wish to sow wild rice, should make arrangements this fall for gathering seed along the coast, the department says. The seed must be kept moist and in a cool place until spring, when it can be sown. Wild-rice seed may be harvested from early September in the latitude of Philadelphia to as late as October 20 in southern Georgia.
FLUSHING BAR SAVES BIRDSA new device that will save an incalculable number of ground nesting birds and their nests was announced here today by officials of the American Game Association. It is a "flushing bar." This bar, known as the "Gopher Campfire Club flushing bar," has been tried out on the thickest of alfalfa and works perfectly. Sportsmen are to attempt to get mowing machine manufacturers to include the bar as standard equipment.
The flushing bar was perfected by Mr. Frank Boyle, a game warden of the Minnesota Game and Fish Department, the latter part of June. It has since been successfully demonstrated many times.
Thousands of ground nesting birds are killed or maimed by mowing blades every year. Even greater numbers desert their nests after the blade has cut the cover away—thus many thousands of birds are destroyed and prevented from coming into being.
To eliminate both of these conditions, Mr- Boyle decided that a bar carried through the upstanding hay well ahead of the mowing blade would flush the nesting bird and also give the operator of the mower a chance to lift the cutting knife and leave an island of cover around the nest. Most birds, it is said, will return to the nest if sufficient cover is left around it.
A round iron bar, half an inch thick and sixteen feet long was welded to a small flat piece of iron through which two holes were drilled. Two corresponding holes were bored through the tongue of the mower and the bar fixed to the tongue back of the doubletree with bolts. The bar was so bent that it carried out from the tongue at an angle that took it five feet ahead of the cutting knife and to the outer edge of it. Here the bar was bent again and taken back toward the off horse and fastened to the harness just back of the collar. An eye was turned at this end of the bar, allowing the bar to be securely tied to the harness with a cord. The motion of the horse not only dragged the bar through the upstanding hay but thrashed it up and down, thus creating additional flushing qualities. The flushing bar was developed at Anderson Hill, the farm and game refuge of Sam G. Anderson, a lawyer and nationally known conservationist, near Hutchinson, Minnesota.
BODE APPOINTED WARDENAt the last meeting of the Iowa Fish and Game Commission I. T. Bode, who has been serving under the Commission as Supervisor of the Fish and Game Survey, was appointed State Fish and Game Warden, to fill the vacancy left by the recent death of W. E. Albert. Bode is a native of Iowa, being born and reared at Keokuk. He has been in outdoor work and conservation activities practically all his life. He is a graduate forester from Iowa State College and has had a wide experience in the timber in the west and in the lake states, especially. During the past eleven years, previous to his association with the Fish and Game Department, he organized and conducted the forestry extension work in Iowa as Extension Forester. He has built up an unusually valuable program of outdoor and wild life studies among the rural boys' and girls' groups. In addition to his extension forestry work, he has served as director of the American School of Wild Life Protection at McGregor, Iowa, for a number of years. His whole background is one of- interest and activity in conservation, wild life, and fish and game protection.

(Continued from page 8)It is unlawful to use spear or any like device in hunting or taking fur-bearing animals or use explosives, chemicals, or .smokers.
It is unlawful to destroy house or den of fur-bearing animals.
It is unlawful to use ferrets.
It is unlawful to run bird dogs or other dogs in fields where game birds are found between the first day of April and the sixteenth day of September.
It is unlawful to run dogs on forest reserves.
It is unlawful to explode dynamite, power, or use poison, lime, etc., in the taking of fish.
It is unlawful to pollute the waters of the state.
It is unlawful to place carcasses in waters of the state.
It is unlawful to disturb private fish ponds or damage private property of another.
It is unlawful to take beaver without a special permit from the State Game Warden.
It is unlawful to place game and fish in cold storage or ship the same unless same are properly tagged.
It is unlawful to hold fur after the close of the season without special authority from the Game Commission .
(Continued from page 10)statewide closing and opening of the bass season on any set calendar dates.
BE IT RESOLVED, that the regulating of the bass season shall be placed in the hands of the Game, Forestation and Parks Commission, the dates to be set each year at their discretion.
X.WHEREAS the demand is for more service from the Game, Forestation and Parks Commission and the present income is not sufficient to increase their activities.
BE IT RESOLVED that a one dollar license fee be charged for a fishing license and one dollar fee for a hunting license and that the two be issued separately.
XI.WHEREAS the crow is a destroyer of young water fowl, song birds and eggs of all kinds, and a nuisance to the interests of agriculture and the propagation of wild life —and whereas there is much conflict between the various counties paying bounties—and whereas killers of crows in many instances receive bounties from counties upon crows killed outside the limits.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that a law be passed during the next session of our legislature requiring a state bounty on crows throughout Nebraska, said law to require the presentation of the entire carcass of the dead bird to the proper officer for the officers disposal before the bounty is paid—and that the present law authorizing a county board's option in this matter be repealed.
XII.WHEREAS, it is the unanimous opinion of all the members of this organization, that there is dire need of more regular game wardens to be appointed by the Game, Forrestation and Parks Commission, in order to enforce the game laws more effectively and prevent further violations of same, and as it appears that the fifteen regular game wardens now serving under the Chief Game Warden are inadequate to meet the present situation, and WHEREAS, the open season on ducks and pheasants throughout the state will soon be in force, and an emergency exists at this time for greater law enforcement of the government laws.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this convention recommend to the members of the Game Forestation and Parks Commission, that these ten additional game wardens be appointed immediately.
Officers selected are as follows:— Ward C. Betzer, Lincoln, President L. C. Kuster, Tecumseh, Vice-president I. J. Dunn, First Nat'l. Bk. Bldg., Omaha, Vice-president Frank J. Brady, Atkinson, Vice-president W. J. Nissen, Oxford, Vice-president I. A. Goff, Hay Springs, Vice-president Mildred M. Spann, Atkinson, Secretary and Treasurer Directors First Congressional District:— Frank Hintz, Seward Judge M. W. Niehart, Nebraska City H. B. Swalley, Nebraska City, Wood Gobel, Beatrice, Second Congressional District:—- Sam J. Howell, Omaha, Roy A. Swanson, 1625 Cuming St., Omaha Wm. J. Poppe, So. Omaha, Edwin A. Dygert, 301 Neville Block, Omaha Third Congressional District:— Frank Lake, So. Sioux City, John Ole Olson, Norfolk, Arthur E. Baldwin, Fremont, M. G. Scudder, Central City, Fourth Congressional District:— J. A. Parks, York Dr. A. E. Boles, Red Cloud L. K. Orr, Clay Center, H. L. Harse, Hastings, Fifth Congressional District:— E. N. Thomas, Ravenna, Ed. V. Yanders, Chadron, W. E. Mumby, Harrison, Tom Varney Jr., Broken Bow, 4 years 3 years 2 years 1 year 4 years 3 years 2 years 1 year 4 years 3 years 2 years 1 year 4 years 3 years 2 years 1 year 4 years 3 years 2 years 1 yearTHE OPENING DAY
Remember that the season on ducks this year opens at noon on Saturday, October 1st.
Rev. Glenn L. Rice, Presbyterian pastor at Grand Island recently held special church services for duck hunters. Several hundred hunters attended. A splendid outdoors sermon was delivered and all those present went away feeling that the great outdoors was a finer thing and the masterpiece of God's work.

(Continued from page 5)Persons accepting money or paying money (except by use of the official Hunter's Shooting Scrip) will be considered as "bartering" and will be prosecuted. Hunters are not rekuired under the law to use scrip if they have hunting fields where it is not accepted. It is unlawful, however, for a hunter without scrip to hunt on private land where scrip is required by the farmer. Books of scrip (containing five coupons) cost $2.50 each and can be obtained from the Commission's office at Lincoln, or any County Clerk.
Dated this 15th day of September, 1932, at Lincoln, Nebraska. GAME, FORESTATION & PARKS COMMISSION Frank B. O'Connell, Secretary.TO A DOG POISONER
Dog lovers everywhere will approve the sentiments expressed by Bess Streeter Aidrich in an editorial in the Elmwood (Nebraska) Leader-Echo. It was written when her dog and a number of other dogs in that city were poisoned. It reached us through the Chase Magazine and is as follows:
"The perfect crime has been committed in Elmwood. A dozen pet dogs have been poisoned with strychnine planted in the private yards of their owners in the dead of night. And the perpetrator walks among us, secretly glorying in the results of his activities. We are sure he is deeply satisfied, that feelings of civic pride over his achievement fill his broad mind and his heart.
"We might wish that the tears of the youngsters and the horrible suffering of the dumb animals would haunt him. But they will not of course. He will sleep the complacent sleep of the just, for in his imitation omnipotent way has he not gone about town dispensing midnight justice.
We do not know who he is, but his personality is quite apparent. If he is old, he has done small, mean, underhanded things all his life and crowed over the fact of getting away with them without being found out. If he is young, he will do small, mean, underhanded things all his life and glory in his acts as long as he is not detected in them.
Our old Jack is dead. He was old and he slobbered and had fleas. But we loved him. And it was not this night rider's business to say his time had come. But the deed is done and no apparent proof of the perpetrator's identity at hand. He will read this item, too, and laugh at it, for it will be his idea of a good joke. This item was not written anonymously in the dead of night. It was written in the clear daylight and signed,
If you must have a house cat, don't let it rove at night. Cats do their greatest harm to bird life in the early hours of the morning, when the average person is asleep in bed and has no knowledge of the damage to birds that is wrought by the feline destroyers. By putting a curb on your cat you are protecting the human family's best friends.—Cy Sherman in the Lincoln Star.
Several thousand people gathered at Loup City on September 22nd to celebrate the opening of the State Recreation ground near there. Among the speakers for the occasion were Gov. Chas. W. Bryan, Chairman of the Game and Parks Commission; Roy Cochran, State Engineer; and Frank O'Connell, Secretary of the Game and Parks Commission.
By C. G. ShanksOf all the many enemies of quail, the half wild, but not the starved, house cat is one of the worst, if not the worst, on hunting preserves throughout the south.
A negro tenant farmer does not consider his cabin a home without a cat, but to feed it is out of the question. They reply invariably, "Boss, she eats rats." Close observation, however, proves that a cat is smart enough to simply walk into a patch or slink quietly through quail covers, and stalk a covey of quail as we have seen them do sparrows, robins, and other birds on our lawns. Such a procedure has supplied them with a daily supply of tender white meat, so why should they search, work and wait in a corn crib all day, perhaps to catch only one rat.
On preserves owned by sportsmen, controlling this menace is somewhat easier. However, ironclad rules are not easy to enforce, as the wily tenants will either confine their cats during the day, allowing them to roam at will every night, or will instruct the "chillun" to confine the cat when they see the "rider" or "landlord" coming.
Cats soon learn places or range of coveys and one by one, day by day, an entire covey is exterminated. Cats are very fond of quail eggs also, and destroy innumerable quantities of eggs during incubation.
One of the best methods found to control the cat situation is to have a clause in the rent note or lease, stating that no cats shall be kept or harbored. In addition, supply a fairly intelligent negro with a small bore shotgun, some shells and a pony and pay him a bounty for every cat tail he brings in.
Some dogs become highly proficient in killing cats and as such their worth is unlimited to a quail preserve.
When preserves are owned and maintained primarily for hunting, the tenant who persists in harboring cats had best be removed, as a cat knows neither open season nor bag limit.

The Game and Parks Commission meeting September 7, fixed the muskrat open season for 1932 as follows:
EASTERN DISTRICT— December 1 to March 1, inclusive.
WESTERN DISTRICT— January 1 to April 1, inclusive.
The counties of Nebraska as listed below show in which district they are located. The map also shows the boundaries of the two districts:
EASTERN DISTRICT Adams Antelope Boone Buffalo Burt Butler Cass Cedar Clay Colfax Cuming Dakota Dixon Dodge Douglas Fillmore Franklin Gage Arthur Banner Blaine Box Butte Boyd Brown Chase Cherry Cheyenne Custer Dawes Dawson Deuel Dundy EASTERN DISTRICT Greeley Hall Hamilton " Harlan Howard Jefferson Johnson Kearney Knox Lancaster Madison Merrick Nance Nemaha Nuckolls Otoe Pawnee Phelps Pierce Platte Polk Richardson Saline Sarpy Saunders Seward Sherman Stanton Thayer Thurston Valley Washington Wayne Webster York WESTERN DISTRICT Frontier Furnas Garden Garfield Gosper Grant Hayes Hitchcock Holt Hooker Keya Paha Keith Kimball Lincoln Logan Loup McPherson Morrill Perkins Red Willow Rock Scotts Bluff Sheridan Sioux Thomas WheelerHIGH SPOTS IN DUCK HUNTING
Nebraska sportsmen should clip this item and keep it with their hunting permits.
Open season in Nebraska—October 1st to November 30th inclusive.
Season opens—Noon October 1st.
Hours to shoots—one half hour before sunrise and stop at sunset each day. However, the first day opens at noon.
Don't shoot any of these— Wood Ducks Ruddy Bufflehead Cranes Cackling Geese Don't shoot more than the following in any one day— Mallards ______________15 Canvasbacks ___________10 Redheads ______________10 Scaups ________________10 Teal __________________10 Shovellers _____________10 Gadwalls ______________10The possession limit is double the daily bag limit (twice the above).
Coots—daily bag limit is 20. You must not have over twenty in possession.
Decoys—Don't shoot over more than twenty-five (25) live decoys.
Bag limit on geese—4 a day and 5 in possession.
Bag on snipe—(Wilson and Jack snipe only) 15 a day and 15 in possession.
The state law makes it the duty of the Game Commission to study forestation conditions and methods of development throughout the state; collect information and data pertaining thereto; cooperate with and assist all citizens, organizations and communities within the state in forestation work; disseminate forestation information through reports, recommendations and such publicity methods as the commission may deem expedient.
With this in view, the Commission has cooperated with the Federal Forestry officials and such organizations and committees in the state who are interested in forestation.
Each spring the federal forestation in Nebraska distribute thousands of trees and the Commission has aided in this work wherever possible. Information is carried from time to time in the Commissions publication "Outdoor Nebraska" which will be of value to those citizens who desire to make plantings and engage in forestation work on their property.
TREES PLANTED AROUND LAKESIn addition to educational work, the Commission has planted a number of trees around the northern Nebraska lakes and on property owned by the state. A forester has been engaged to look after such plantings as it has been found that initial planting of trees is the small part of the work and that the proper care of same is very important.
OTHER PLANTINGSOther plantings of trees have been made at the Gretna, Valentine and Dundy County Fish Hatcheries, at the Fremont Recreation Grounds (Dodge County) and work has been begun at the Alexandria Lake Recreation Grounds (Jefferson County), the Wellfleet Recreation Grounds (Lincoln County).
At the state parks, plantings have been made at Arbor Lodge and Victoria Springs.