Outdoor Nebraska
Trails and Tales
An early snow—and the tales it tells to him who would read. Gone is the sere and drab debris of November, buried 'neath a covering blanket of purest white. No sign of life or motion—-yet on this fleeting page is written many a tale of action, of life. As the winter's sun fades in a blue-gray mist, a pheasant warily picks its way to a haven of tangled rushes, joining others of the flock who have rustled all day for their scanty fare of weed-seeds and waste grain. The story is there today—tomorrow shifting snows will erase the page for future writings.
Official Bulletin Nebraska Game, Forestation and Parks Commission VOL. VII JANUARY, 1932 NO. 1 CONTENTS I Commission Reports on Activities .................................... 5 State Parks Show Growth ........................................... 6 Recreation Grounds Increased......................................... 7 Editorial ........................................................... 8 Many Fish Stocked .................................................. 10 Game Reserves for Nebraska ......................................... 11 Game Birds Stocked ................................................. 12 Fish Salvage Work .................................................. 13Use Care In Feeding Birds
TOO many sportsmen forget about game after the close of the hunting season, the very time their assistance is needed most. Unless they can personally arrange to place feed for upland game birds, especially where snow and ice cover the ground for long periods, they should arrange with someone in the locality where they hunt to feed the birds.
Experiments have demonstrated that ruffed grouse, Hungarians, quail, ringneck pheasants and prairie chickens will survive almost any amount of cold weather if well fed. February is usually the most critical month. Start feeding operations at once.
Many types of simple inexpensive shelters can be constructed. A shock of grain properly placed on a fence post will save many game birds through trying winter periods, but small grain placed regularly will help even more.
The main thing to keep in mind is not to concentrate feeding operations in any one area. Feeding stations should be distributed as much as possible, otherwise predators will get in their deadly work. Grain should not be scattered in the snow or placed where it will be covered by drifts.

Nebraska's Chief Fur Bearer In His Winter Home.

Official Bulletin Nebraska Game, Forestation and Parks Commission VOL. VII JANUARY, 1932 NO.lCommission Reports On Activities For Past Three Years
' I 'HE Commissioners meet four times each year for -*■ regular quarterly meetings and as often for special meetings as business warrants. During 1929 there were nine meetings held, during 1930 eleven meetings and during 1931 there were five. Besides these meetings the commissioners did considerable field work, visiting the various institutions under their control, inspecting real estate with a view to its purchase; for recreation grounds and other inspections which were necessary.
COMMITTEESIn order to expedite the work of the Commission and to divide the various duties, a number of standing committees were named during the past several years. Chief among these were the following:
Hatcheries, Distribution and Nurse Ponds Committee: Spencer, Chairman; Baldwin, O'Connell.
State Parks Committee: Purcell, Chairman; Hastings, O'Connell.
Lakes and Recreation Grounds Committee: Baldwin, Chairman; Spencer, O'Connell.
Game Reserves, Game Production, Forestation Committee; Rice, Chairman; Purcell, O'Connell.
Conservation and Scientific Surveys Committee: Hastings, Chairman; Rice, O'Connell.
Vice-Chairman: Webb Rice.
ACHIEVEMENT NUMBERIt is with pleasure that the Commission offers this "Achievement Issue" of "Outdoor Nebraska."
It is hoped that the record of accomplishments during the past three years recorded herein will be of interest to our readers and that such work will meet with their approval.
A full and completed report of these activities has been published in pamphlet form and is available to those desiring same.
PER DIEM AND EXPENSESUnder the law each Commissioner receives $10 per day for such time devoted to the work of the Commission but in no case to exceed thirty days in any one year. Each Commissioner also receives his necessary travel expense for attending meetings and inspection work, etc.
During the three years the per diem and expenses of the several Commissioners were as follows:
Year of 1929 Commissioners Expenses Per Diem A. J. Weaver________________$ 37.84 F. A. Baldwin ______________ 589.29 $300.00 Webb Rice___________________ 163.60 150.00 E. R. Purcell________________ 242.41 210.00 Guy R. Spencer______________ 262.66 130.00 George Dayton ______________ 123.98 300.00 *Frank B. O'Connell_________ 478.64 Year of 1930 Commissioners Expenses Per Diem A. J. Weaver _______________$ 19.61 F. A. Baldwin_______________696.95 $300.00 Webb Rice__________________322.38 215.00 E. R. Purcell________________828.17 300.00 Guy R. Spencer______________ 585.41 300.00 George Dayton ______________ 7.50 90.00 *Frank B. O'Connell________1,055.95 Year of 1931 Commissioners Expenses Per Diem F. A. Baldwin_______________$675.23 $300.00 Webb Rice__________________ 153.58 115.00 E. R. Purcell________________329.02 240.00 Guy R. Spencer_____________226.69 150.00 Geo. B. Hastings_____________ 143.48 110.00 *Frank B. O'Connell ________802.16*The Secretary de-votes his entire time to the work of the Commission and in lieu of per diem receives an annual salary of $3,600.00. Under the law Commissioners are not permitted to receive per diem for more than thirty days in any calendar year. Several of the above Commissioners have given considerable more time to the work than the stipulated thirty days.
SECRETARY'S OFFICEThree rooms in the State Capitol are occupied by the Secretary of the Commission and his office assistants. Here all the permits, records, correspondence, educational activities and general administration work is centered.
PERMITSEach year it is necessary to issue some 200,000 permits, as follows:
Resident Hunting and Fishing. Non-Resident Hunting and Fishing. Non-Resident Fishing. Resident Trapping. Non-Resident Trapping. Alien Fishing. Game Bird Breeding. Fur-Bearing Animal Breeding. Game Fancier. (continued on page 15)
State Parks Show Growth Under Commission
A RBOR Lodge State Park—Frank Williams, Superintendent.
Chadron State Park—James W. Good, Superintendent.
Victoria Springs State Park—C. 0. Williams, Superintendent.
Stolley State Park—F. W. Blaise, Superintendent.
Under the present state laws, the four state parks are under the administration of the Game, Forestation and Parks Commission. Until 1929, parks were ministered by a State Park Board and the necessary funds were drawn from the general state fund by an appropriation each biennium by the state legislature.
When the state parks were placed under the Game, Forestation and Parks Commission in 1929, the law was amended to allow 10% of all receipts from the hunting and fishing licenses, etc., to be used in the maintenance of state parks and since that time these parks have been cared for from such a source and no property tax has been used.
Expenditures During 1929 Arbor Lodge State Park____________________$3,425.56 Chadron State Park________________________2,387.49 Victoria Springs State Park________________ 968.13 Stolley State Park _________________________ 1,118.44 Expenditures During 1930 Arbor Lodge State Park____________________$5,049.93 Chadron State Park________________________6,544.90 Victoria Springs State Park________________3,463.70 Stolley State Park_________________________3,405.60 Expenditures During 1931 Arbor Lodge State Park____________________$5,818.42 Chadron State Park________________________7,693.76 Victoria Springs State Park________________3,590.15 Stolley State Park_________________________3,652.53It will be noted that the Commission did not take over the parks until May of 1929, therefore the expenditures during that year were partially borne by the old State Park Board.
ARBOR LODGE STATE PARKConsiderable improvement has been carried on at Arbor Lodge State Park, in addition to the regular maintenance thereof.
In 1929 the tin work on the mansion and stables was repaired as well as part of the floors in the mansion being given attention. The drives through the grounds were repaired and new gravel placed where needed.
About thirty trees and one hundred shrubs and roses were planted and about eighty individual specimens were added to the museum, the most of which were placed in the Nebraska City Room. During the year 1929 there were 31,000 visitors.
In 1930 the metal roofs on the porches of the mansion were repaired, all buildings painted and shutters and screens repaired. The drives through the grounds were repaired and additional gravel spread, as well as a hundred rods of new drives graveled. A large fish pond was repaired and stocked and a rock garden was built, also having a small fish pond therein. Some forty trees and one hundred and fifty (150) shrubs and roses were planted. Ten picnic tables were added to the grounds, four of which were donated by the Rotary Club of Nebraska City.
Some hundred and fifty (150) individual specimens were added to the museum, one hundred and thirty-seven (137) of which were placed in the Title Room. There were 32,000 visitors during the summer of 1930.
In the year 1931 all of the uncarpeted floors were varnished, drives through the grounds were repaired and the two main entrances to the park paved. The brick paving around the monument was replaced by cement and a walk built across the monument square.
The Honorable Joy Morton paid the expenses of the improving of the monument.
New labels were made for all trees on the grounds. The Daughters of the Union Veterans furnished a room in the museum, placing sixty-seven (67) individual specimens of the Civil War therein. Twenty additional specimens were added to the D. A. R. Room and about forty specimens to various other rooms. One of the interesting specimens added this year is the original patent to the Arbor Lodge site, issued to J. Sterling Morton and signed by President James Buchanan. There were 33,000 visitors at the park during 1931.
CHADRON STATE PARKDuring the latter part of 1929, five new cabins were constructed at the Chadron State Park and five other cabins repaired. All of these cabins were of rustic design, in keeping with the scenic effect of the country and were fitted with cots, stoves and other accommodations for tourists and visitors.
This park is very popular for picnics and a large number of these were held in 1929. Other attractions provided for the visitors was horse-back riding and walks through the rugged country thereabout. A cafe is supported at this park as well as a store where supplies can be purchased. Play ground equipment for children is maintained.
During the summer, some eighty picnics were held as well as twelve concerts, thirty-two church services, six band concerts, eleven Boy Scout meetings, twelve Girl Scout meetings, twenty-four baseball games, with a total estimated attendance of 125,000.
During 1930 a swimming pool was provided, the cost part of which was donated by citizens of western Nebraska. Dressing rooms were constructed and equipped with accommodations for a large number of visitors who desired to swim. In addition to the swimming pool a trout nursery was built in the park and some 15,000 were raised therein. During the summer of this year there were some sixty-eight picnics, twelve band concerts, twenty-two ball games, thirty-seven church services held. Some 14,000 visitors used the swimming pool and the attendance was estimated to be around 123,000.
During 1931, five new cabins were constructed in the park, as well as a number of minor improvements made. A contract was made for electric light at the park and electric lights furnished visitors without charge.
During this year some seventy-six picnics were held, eight band concerts, eighteen ball games, forty-two church services and other events, with some 12,000
(continued on page 16)
Recreation Grounds Greatly Increased Past Two Years
IN order to provide the citizens of Nebraska with suit" able places where fishing, hunting and camping can be had free of charge, the Commission during the past three years has continued a policy began in 1926 of establishing a state-wide system of recreation grounds.
These recreation grounds are not state parks, but are meant to supplement the four state parks, as well as to provide fishing and hunting -for the thousands of Nebraska citizens who desire such outdoor recreation.
Practically all of the recreation grounds purchased and improved have contained some water, the Commission desiring to get at least 50% water where possible. In locating these recreation grounds, the Commission has tried to get them placed over the state so one or more of them would be within a short drive of any citizen, regardless of where he lived.
In order to carry out this state-wide plan of establishing these grounds, it has been necessary in some cases to purchase natural lakes, while in other cases it has been necessary to secure abandoned sand pits or to construct artificial lakes.
During the past three years, the Commission has added the following recreation grounds to the four projects purchased previous to that time and the twelve lakes which were placed under the Commission's jurisdiction by the Legislature.
LOUISVILLE SAND PIT RECREATION GROUNDSSome hundred and ninety acres of sand pit lakes were purchased in Cass County, adjacent to Louisville for $9,398.50.
There are some eight lakes located at this place, all of which contain deep water and are suitable for fishing. Since the purchase of these grounds, roads have been built through them, camping equipment provided and most all of the pits have been heavily stocked with fish.
LONG LAKE RECREATION GROUNDSA tract containing 80 acres, bordering on Long Lake in Brown County was purchased by the Commission for $2,000.00. This purchase was later fenced, trees planted and other minor improvements made.
MERRIMAN LAKE RECREATION GROUNDSA lake containing over 100 acres was purchased near Merriman in Cherry County for $2,800.00, there being a total of 160 acres in the tract. This project has been fenced, a road built into it, spillway improved, trees planted and other minor improvements made.
COTTON MILL LAKE RECREATION GROUNDSThe Commission purchased a lake known as Cotton Mill Lake, located near Kearney in Buffalo County, there being approximately 100 acres, for the sum of $4,000.00. Since the purchase, this tract has been fenced, auto gates constructed, a dam and spillway installed, trees planted, etc. '
ROWELL LAKE RECREATION GROUNDSA quarter section of land containing a small lake of about 15 acres was purchased in Antelope County for the sum of $1,200.00. A large planting of trees was made here, a windmill erected and other minor improvements made.
BLUE RIVER RECREATION GROUNDSThe Commission purchased 15 acres located on one of the larger dams on the Blue River for the sum of $2,025.00. The purchase of this project was to make use of the dam and give fishermen a means of getting into the Blue River. This tract has been fenced, cleared and opened up for public use.
OXFORD LAKE RECREATION GROUNDSA tract containing 30 acres, of which approximately one-half is water, was purchased near Oxford in Furnas County for the sum of $1,236.00. This has been fenced and a dam constructed in the way of improvements.
MEMPHIS LAKE RECREATION GROUNDSThe Commission purchased 147 acres, of which approximately 100 acres is water, located adjacent to Memphis in Saunders County, for the sum of $15,000.00. This project was originally used for harvesting ice. Large substantial dikes and dams, together with water rights were secured by the Commission. This project has been cleared, seeded, trees planted and heavily stocked with fish.
PRESSEY RECREATION GROUNDSThe Commission accepted a gift of 80 acres from the Hon. H. E. Pressey of Oconto, Nebraska, located in Custer County.
The South Loup River flows through this tract and it is well timbered. A small nursery has been constructed here, together with other minor improvements.
PIBEL LAKE RECREATION GROUNDSThe Commission purchased the Pibel Lake Resort located in Wheeler County near Spalding for the sum of $6,500.00. This tract contains 65 acres, most of which is water. An artificial lake, dam, spillway and hotel building came with the property. The building has been improved, the dam widened, the spillway enlarged and other minor improvements made.
WILLOW LAKE RECREATION GROUNDSThe Commission purchased a tract of 480 acres in Cherry County for the sum of $4,000.00. This tract is partially under water and Willow Lake is considered an excellent sand hill fishing lake.
LITCHFIELD LAKE RECREATION GROUNDSThe Commission purchased 20 acres located near Litchfield in Sherman County for the sum of $1,500.00. Minor improvements have been made, but owing to the
(Continued on page 14)
FINANCIAL STATEMENTAll moneys expended by the Game, Forestation and Parks Commission are derived from the sale of hunting, fishing, trapping and other permits and from the sale of fish, concessions at state parks, sale of confiscated articles, liquidated damages and sundry other sources.
The State Legislature appropriated the permit fees only and no part of funds expended are derived from general taxation.
The state law provides that not to exceed ten percent (10%) of all game fund receipts are to be used for the maintenance and improvements of the state parks.
Year 1929 On hand, Dec. 31, 1928__________________$197,580.27 RECEIPTS Sale of Permits _______________________ 197,204.00 Sale of Fish___________________________ 6,321.29 Sale of Confiscated Articles_____________ 443.82 Sale of Real Estate (By direction of the State Legislature) ___________________ 150.00 Concession Receipts from parks________ 1,452.46 Liquidated Damages------. _____________ 1,881.00 Collections from 1928 accounts________ 569.50 Overpaid 1929 accounts________________ 277.00 Miscellaneous Receipts-------------------------- 362.08 Total Receipts_______________________$208,661.15 EXPENDITURESThe following expenditures were made by the Commission for the eight months of 1929 during which they were in charge. The first four months of 1929 are covered in reports of the Department of Agriculture.
Administration _______________________!"-_$ 16,030.20 Law Enforcement________________________ 29,110.64 Fish Distribution_________________________ 13,906.04 Conservation and Field Activities-------------- 15,534.27 Purchase Game Birds_____________________ 3,193.00 Purchase Game Fish______________________ 2,659.40 Eggs, Feed, etc. -------------------------------------- 544.75 Purchase and Care of Trees______________ 52.80 Educational Work________________________ 1,985.82 Scientific Work__________________________ 167.97 Purchase and Improvement Recreation Grounds ----------------------------------------- 3,340.79 Purchase and Improvement Distribution Plant ---------------------------------------------- 20,691.52 Fish Hatcheries Gretna -------------------------------------------- 7,514.23 Valentine __________________________ 16,637.52 Dundy County_______________________ 9,737.75 State Parks Arbor Lodge ________________________ 3,425.56 Chadron ___________________________ 2,387.49 Victoria Springs _____________________ 968.13 Stolley _____________________________ 1,118.44 Total _________________________$149,006.32 ANALYSIS OF EXPENDITURES Land Purchased________________________$ 156.75 Permanent Improvements_______________ 31,704.12 Equipment Purchased__________________ 16,999.10 General Operation Expense_____________ 100,146.35 Total _______________________________$149,006.32 Year of 1930 RECEIPTS Sale of Permits _______________________$217,407.00 Sale of Fish___________________________ 5,837.87 Sale of Confiscated Articles____________ 1,017.63 Concession Receipts from Parks _______ 955.17 Liquidated Damages ___________________ 2,355.00 Collections from 1929 accounts________ 321.00 Miscellaneous Receipts _________________ 419.21 Total Receipts_______________________$228,312.88 EXPENDITURES Administration ________________________$ 19,810.70 Law Enforcement______________________ 48,963.83 Fish Distribution_______________________ 23,174.77 Conservation and Field Activities_______ 22,270.17 Purchase Game Birds__________________ 19,034.25 Purchase Game Fish____________________ 13,649.00 Purchase Eggs, Feed, etc.______________ 2,766.80 Forestation Work ______________________ 9,824.67 Educational Work______________________ 3,919.23 Scientific Work________________________ 854.92 Purchase and Improvement Recreation Grounds ___________________________ 77,031.23 Fish Hatcheries Gretna ____________________________ 12,601.47 Valentine __________________________ 17,364.49 Dundy County_______________________ 16,974.04 State Parks Arbor Lodge________________________ 5,049.93 Chadron ___________________________ 6,544.90 Stolley ____________________________ 3,405.60
The 1931 Session of the legislature passed a law known as "Hunters Shooting Scrip" Act.
The purpose of this Act was to permit farmers to receive a feeding and trespassing charge for hunting upland game birds. Books containing five (5) coupons, good for 50c each were printed by the Commission and sold to hunters desiring to hunt on scrip farms. The hunter purchasing a book placed the same in the possession of the farmer, who desired to accept such scrip and upon leaving the farm, gave the farmer one coupon for each pheasant killed.
The Commission placed this Act in operation in the fall of 1931. A total of 13,065 coupons were sold. Of these, farmers accepted approximately 2,245, whereas refund was made on the balance.
The Act has not been in operation long enough to ascertain its full value, but it is believed that this is a step forward in bringing farmers and sportsmen of the state in closer harmony and making it possible for thousands of acres of land, now closed, to be opened to regulated hunting.
GAME, FUR AND FISH FARMINGThe Game laws permit the state to license private game, fur and fish farms.
The Commission has felt that such private industry was a good thing for the state of Nebraska and has encouraged game, fur and fish farming.
During1 the past three years the following private farms have been operated:
Game Farms 1929 ________________453 1930 ________________478 1931 ________________461 Fur Farms 1929 ________________379 1930 ________________352 1931 ________________302 Fish Farms 1929 ________________ 18 1930 ________________23 1931 ________________37
Many Fish Stocked Throughout State
' I , HE Game Commission operates four state fish ■*■ hatcheries. The oldest is located in Cass County on the Platte River, eight miles south of Gretna; another is located one and one-half miles from Valentine in Cherry County; another at Benkelman in Dundy County and another at Parks in Dundy County.
A sub-station operating under the Valentine State Fisheries located some ten miles south of Valentine in Cherry County is also operated.
The four larger fish hatcheries are now used as propagation and hatching stations. Some ponds at the several hatcheries are used for rearing fish, but the hatch houses and other ponds are used primarily for hatching and the holding of small fish prior to being placed in nursery ponds.
GRETNA FISH HATCHERYThe Gretna Hatchery is the oldest in the state and part of its' value is for recreational purposes, there being excellent picnic grounds located there where thousands of visitors come each year.
During the year of 1929, considerable improvement was made at this hatchery. Old concrete walls around some of the brood ponds were replaced, all buildings were repaired and painted, new flower beds were made and minor improvements undertaken on the picnic grounds such as furnishing additional tables, etc.
During the year 1930 a new brood pond was constructed about three quarters of an acre in size. It was necessary to do some excavating work and new concrete walls were constructed around this pond. A 10 horsepower engine was installed, pumping the water supply from the Platte River, the supply from the springs being inadequate for taking care of any additional ponds. During this year some repairs were made on the concrete walls around the brood ponds and 50 feet of paving replacing a part of the main road through the grounds was laid. Concrete steps leading up to the picnic grounds from the hatch house were also constructed. A water hydrant and 60 feet of new pipe were laid. The pump house was remodeled and all buildings painted and repaired. A number of young trees and some shrubbery were planted on the grounds.
During the year 1931, several new concrete walls were installed around brood ponds and several old walls repaired. A new strip of paving was laid on the main road to the grounds and some re-surfacing with gravel undertaken on the road. The residence buildings and minor buildings were painted and repaired. New tables were constructed for use in the picnic grounds and several outdoor stoves installed. New batteries were purchased this year to replace the old ones for the light plant.
The personnel at the Gretna Hatchery handles some 100,000 cat fish each year which the conservation crew traps from the Platte and Missouri Rivers. The Superintendent of this institution is also charged with the responsibility of caring for the Memphis Recreation Grounds. During the past several years some experimental work has been carried on at this hatchery, such as fertilizing brood ponds and an experiment was made with the Hessen Fish Fry Trap which is used for trapping young bass.
THE VALENTINE HATCHERYDuring 1929, five brood ponds were rebuilt, some having been destroyed previously by a flood. Six new ponds were also constructed as well as five small holding ponds. A new garage was constructed and the main reservoir dam raised three feet. The front part of the hatchery grounds was fenced and all buildings painted inside and outside.
During the year 1930, three more ponds were built and a number of the old ponds cleared of stumps, debris etc. During this year four small ponds for holding trout were constructed on the state experimental farm, located nearby. Development on a sub-station was begun twelve miles south of Valentine where twelve new ponds were built. During the course of the year, the personnel of this hatchery built concrete spillways on Moon Lake, Willow Lake, Dewey Lake and Trout Lake.
During 1931 two brood ponds were remodeled, a new barn was constructed and the sub-station completely finished.
Three old buildings at the sub-station were torn down. During the summer it was necessary to lower 300 feet of the main spring line. Other work taken care of this year by the personnel of this hatchery included the building of a small trout pond on Schlegel Creek, the remodeling of a trout pond at Johnstown. The building of wings on the spillways of Willow, Dewey and Trout Lakes. Some conservation work was also done in removing fish from several nearby lakes.
DUNDY COUNTY HATCHERIESIn 1929, four new ponds were built at the Rock Creek plant. A bridge was constructed across the creek leading to the hatching ponds and several retaining walls built on the ponds. Three concrete spillways were constructed and some sewer pipe laid. A total of over 4,000 square yards of riprapping was laid on three of the ponds. The residence at this hatchery was repaired, a bath-room being built and installed with bath fixtures and other minor repairs being made.
During the year of 1930, a modern fish hatchery was constructed at this hatchery at the cost of $6,000.00. This is one of the most modern hatching houses in the country and has a capacity for hatching one and one-half million eggs. A hot water system was installed in this building and all other buildings painted. Three retaining walls were built on ponds and the old hatch house made into a residence for one of the workmen.
During 1931, 400 feet of tile was laid at the hatching house, several retaining walls were constructed, paving placed in front of the hatching house, a well was dug and a wind-mill erected and other minor improvements made.
At the Benkelman Hatchery located in Dundy County, one of the dams was refaced in 1929. All buildings painted, a well sunk and a windmill erected. Some hundred trees were planted and some pens for wild turkeys with the proper inclosures were also constructed.
During 1930 two of the dams were refaced and a retaining wall built on the east side of the residence lawn. Some 50 trees were planted during this year,
(continued on page 14)
Game Reserves For Nebraska Wild Life
IN 1929 the Commission purchased holdings in the Wild Cat Hills in Scottsbluff County as well as taking over a lease on state school land, which has been made into a big game reserve. The following year this was fenced and the same has since been stocked with buffalo, elk, antelope, deer and game birds. It is the intention of the Commission to make this reserve a show place for Nebraska citizens so that the children of tomorrow may be able to see large animals native to Nebraska. The reserve is located in a very picturesque section of the State and already thousands of people are visiting same each year.
OTHER RESERVESThe Commission has leased a large number of reserves and stocked the same with game birds in a statewide program to conserve some of our native game birds as well as to establish new species brought into the State. Reserves leased and stocked during the past three years are as follows:
Number County Where Located Acreage Twenty-two _______Sherman _______________ 1,040 Twenty-three ---------Saunders ----------------------- 1,400 Twenty-four _______Holt ____________________3,920 Twenty-five -----------Sheridan and Dawes--------20,360 Twenty-six ________Kock __________________1,500 Twenty-seven ---------Brown -------------------------- 1,800 Twenty-eight ---------Douglas ------------------------ 3,813 Twenty-nine _______Hamilton and Merrick------1,000 Thirty _____________Dodge _________________ 640 Thirty-one __________Sheridan and Cherry_____10,000 Thirty-two __________Lincoln ________________2,800With twenty-one reserves previously established this makes a total of thirty-two now being used for the propagation of game birds.
FEDERAL RESERVESThe" Commission has cooperated with the Federal Government in the establishing of a migratory game bird reserve in Garden County, Nebraska. This reserve ultimately contains forty thousand acres of which much of it will be splendid feeding and rest grounds for migratory waterfowl in their migrations. The Commission feels that this reserve will be a great asset to the State in helping to conserve the migratory waterfowl as well as being an attraction to the citizens of the State who are interested in bird life. The reserve also contains a number of lakes suitable for fishing, which the Commission is stocking and which ultimately will be available to Nebraska citizens.
Educational Work of Commission
Believing that education is one of the best means for promoting conservation of natural resources as well as instilling respect for conservation laws, the Commission has authorized and devoted some of its funds for this kind of work.
During the past three years, considerable information has been given regarding the work the Commission has been doing and the need of conservation has been brought to the public through the work of motion pictures.
Suitable reels have been made up showing the various phases of the work, the wild life of the state and these have been available for schools, organizations and other groups desiring to see them. Some hundred showings have been made, reaching approximately 25,000 people.
Another phase of the Commission's educational work has been the publication of a quarterly magazine known as "Outdoor Nebraska."
Each quarter of the last three years, this publication has reached a large number of citizens who are interested in the conservation work—some seven thousand (7,000) copies being published each quarter and distributed without cost to libraries, schools, organizations and individuals interested. This publication has met with very hearty response on the part of the public and has been widely quoted in other publications and newspapers.
During the past two years the Commission has published a folder known as "Outdoors In Nebraska" which has been available to tourists and those persons in this state desiring information regarding state parks, recreation grounds, lakes and other places of interest.
Some 25,000 of these folders have been published each year and distributed generally throughout the state. A goodly number have also been put in the hands of distributing organizations in the view of interesting people of other states in the state of Nebraska.
A small booklet regarding state parks has been published each year and is sold at the Arbor Lodge State Park at 25c each, such revenue going to help in the support of that institution. This booklet gives considerable information regarding the state's parks and a large number of copies are sold each year.
The game laws are compiled and published in a small booklet each year, some hundred thousand copies being required to meet the annual demand for same.
A small folder abstracting the game laws is also published and is available for the public.
Other small folders such as "Open Season on Muskrats", "Hunting Hours" etc., are published from time to time in order to familiarize the public generally with the laws and regulations of the Commission.
LONG LAKE RECREATION GROUNDSAt Long Lake Recreation Grounds (Brown County), a small planting of trees was made in 1930 and the same have made a good growth. Quite a number of willow were planted along the lake shore of this lake in order to attract food for fish as well as to provide shade. Other than the willow, cottonwood, Chinese elm and honey locust have been planted as well as some jack pine.
RAT AND BEAVER LAKES RECREATION GROUNDSIn 1929 at Rat and Beaver Lakes (Cherry County) a large number of pack pine were planted and some of them have done exceedingly well—standing from three to five feet in height. Willows were planted along the lake shore for a half mile and other good forest trees placed along the foot-hills.
These lakes are very popular for fishing and the Commission is anxious to get suitable shade for the many visitors there.

Game Birds Stocked In State In Large Numbers
Qk S more and more of the state of Nebraska has been •*• *■ developed, less and less nesting grounds for the native game birds of Nebraska have been available and for this reason very important changes in conditions have prevailed.
Bob White Quail, at one time very numerous in Nebraska, have become so few that it has been necessary to protect them by closed seasons for a number of years.
The Prairie Chicken and Grouse, once abundant in northern and western Nebraska, likewise became so few that it was necessary to close the season in 1929.
Protection and feeding grounds for the migratory waterfowl have also become necessary, owing to the shortage of suitable areas where they can breed and rest in their annual flight.
Realizing that it will be impossible to retain the Bob White, Prairie Chicken and Grouse in sufficient numbers to furnish hunting to any appreciable number of citizens, game authorities have found it necessary .to bring in other birds to replace the native stock.
THE CHINESE RING-NECK PHEASANTSome fifteen years ago, the Chinese Ring-Neck Pheasant was brought into Nebraska and since that time has thrived until 1931 when it was possible to have an open season in some 73 counties.
The Commission has given considerable study to the pheasant and is using every possible means to protect them and propagate them in all of the counties in the state where it is deemed advisable. The Commission has likewise given considerable study to those areas in the central part of the state where these birdsi breed rapidly.
It is realized that it is possible to have too many of these birds in a concentrated area where they cause some inconvenience and damage to farmers living therein. With that in mind, open seasons have been fixed and permits granted with the view in mind of not only protecting the birds where they are few, but also to protect the interests of the farmer who owns fields that are used by these birds for breeding grounds.
It is estimated that there are several million pheasants in Nebraska today and the food value alone of the annual kill amounts to thousands of dollars. Where the pheasant is properly regulated, it has been found to be a valuable acquisition to an agricultural state, as well as an excellent game bird for the sportsman.
HUNGARIAN PARTRIDGEIn order to secure a bird to replace the Bob White Quail, which probably will never be found in Nebraska in large numbers again, owing to the lack of suitable cover, the Commission has introduced the Hungarian Partridge which has been imported from central Europe.
These birds are hardy and excellent game birds and they consume a large number of insects. They are very popular with sportsmen where it has been possible to have an open season.
The Commission made a very large purchase of these birds in 1930, stocking them on game reserves throughout the state in the hope that coverage will be started and that the proper environment for such birds will be found.
WILD TURKEYSome experimental work with the wild turkey, which at one time was found in Nebraska in considerable numbers, has been carried on by the Commission during the past several years.
Owing to the fact that it is extremely difficult to obtain wild birds for stocking, the work has been rather slow and it is still too early to tell for certain whether or not this bird could be rehabilitated in certain favorable areas of eastern Nebraska.
GAME BIRDS STOCKED BY COMMISSION (1929, 1930 and 1931) County Hungarian Partridges Quail Turkey Box Butte______________ 15 Pr. Brown ________________69 Pr. Buffalo _______________54 " 15 " Butler ________________ 10 " Cherry _______________79 " 30 " 20 Pr. Custer ________________54 " Colfax ________________10 " Dawes ________________142 " 15 " Dundy ________________54 " 15 " Frontier ______________79 " 15 " Furnas _______________79 " 15 " Garfield _______________20 " Greeley _______________ 6 " Harlan _______________16 " Howard _____________1- 21 " 15 " Holt __________________108 " 30 " Johnson _______________ 9 " Knox _________________89 " Lancaster ' .'.'._-_______22 " 20 " Madison ______________54 " Morrill _______________10 " Merrick _______________25 " 15 " 33 " Nuckolls ______________ 9 " Otoe _________________25 " 15 " Pierce ________________ 54 " Rock _________________80 " Sarpy ________________ 8 " Saunders _____________103 " 18 " Sheridan ______________HI " 30 " 20 " Sherman ______________24 " 15 " Scottsbluff ____________54 " 15 " 70 " Thayer _______________ 68 " Thomas _______________78 " Washington ___________25 " 15 " 50 " Wheeler --------------------- 3 " Total ____________1649 Pr. 293 Pr. 253 Pr. MEMPHIS LAKE RECREATION GROUNDSAt Memphis" Lake Recreation Grounds (Saunders County) a tract of about 40 acres is being planted.. The work was begun in the spring of 1930 and arrangements have been made for another large planting in the spring of 19.32. There are a few trees now and it is the hope of the Commission to have a fine picnic ground available for the thousands of citizens who undoubtedly will make use of these grounds for recreational purposes.'

Salvage Work Important Phase Of Commission's Work
Th ACH year a considerable amount of conservation and -*—' salvage of fish is carried on in Nebraska. While a large number of fish are hatched and propagated at state fish hatcheries and nurseries, nature likewise hatches thousands of fish in ponds, sloughs, bayous etc., many of which would never reach maturity because of such water drying up in the summer or freezing out in the winter.
The Commission, therefore, has found it advisable to carry on salvage work as it is cheaper to save the fish which nature hatches than it is to propagate them at the state hatcheries. This work has been greatly enlarged during the past three years and proper equipment furnished in order to carry on the work.
Besides the salvage of game fish which are planted in deeper water, the same crew is used for the removal of coarse fish from such water where they are a menace to game fish. These fish consist of mostly Buffalo, Carp and Shad and are marketed where possible and the revenue therefrom placed in the state game fund.
1929 ACTIVITIESDuring 1929, some 270,000 game fish were salvaged and 170,000 pounds of coarse fish removed from lakes and ponds.
Seining activities were carried on at the following lakes and ponds throughout the state:
Champion Mill Ponds, Champion. Crystal Lake, South Sioux City. Columbus Country Club Ponds, Columbus. Bartley Lake, Bartley. Curtis Lake, Curtis. No. 8 Sand Pit, Fremont. Veterans Lake, Fremont. Schneiders Pond, Cedar Creek. Horse Lake, Miller. Izaak Walton Pond, Meadow. Lake Quinnebaugh, Tekamah. Buns Lake, Blair. Whitney Lake, Crawford. Whitman Lakes, Whitman. Crete Mill Pond, Crete. Country Club Lake Ponds, Genoa. Pawnee Park Pond, Columbus. Linoma Sand Pits, Ashland. Sand Pits, Central City. Rice Lake, Mitchell. Smith Lake, Broadwater. Sullivan's Lake, Meadow Grove. Johnson Lake, Stanton. Majes Lake, Norfolk. Cotton Mill Lake, Kearney. Lake Kearney, Kearney. Wendts Lake, Battle Creek. Louisville Pits, Louisville. Blue Hole, Kearney. Platte River Slough, Grand Island. Jackson Eddy, Jackson. U. S. Rifle Range, Ashland. Wilkins Lake, Blair. Wighorn Slough, Ashland. Clarks Lake, Bellevue. David City Ponds, David City. Mansfield Lake, St. Edwards. Hoffmans Lake, Melbeta. Fair Ground Lake, Bridgeport. Lake Osterberg, Scottsbluff. University Lake, Mitchell. Lewis Lake, Mitchell. Three Mile Lake, Flats. Whitewater Lake, Flats. Dailey's Lake, McPherson County. Ponds on Ed. Bailey's Lake, McPherson County. Small Lake 1 mile E. Whitewater L., Flats. Small pond east end Whitewater Lake, Flats. E. Coyote Lake, Flats. Small pond south end of Diamond Bar L., Flats. Small pond % mile south of Reed's Lake, Flats. Holes east end of Reed's Lake, Flats. Sand Rock Lake, Falls City. Old Bed Nemaha River, Falls City. Mulhall's Pond, Norfolk. Rescue Work, Platte River, Columbus to North Platte. 1930 ACTIVITIESDuring 1930 some 300,000 game fish were rescued and transplanted and 246,574 pounds of coarse fish removed.
The following lakes were seined:
Crystal Lake, South Sioux City. Carter Lake, Omaha. Country Club Lake, Columbus. Crete Ice Pond, Crete. Curtis Lake, Curtis. Horse Lake, Miller. Linoma Beach, Ashland. Louisville Sand Pits, Louisville. Champion Lake, Champion. Kane Lake, Wisner. Quinnebaugh Lake, Tekamah. Lamberts Lake, Neligh. Millers Lake, Clearwater. Lorenzon Lake, Neligh. Kane Lake, Wisner. Wendt's Lake, Battle Creek. Clark's Lake, Ewing. Ice Pond, Clearwater. Neise Lake, Neligh. Oxford Lake, Oxford. Baker's Lake, Tekamah. Minatare Lake, Minatare. Yellow Banks Lake, Battle Creek. Swinbank Lake, Crawford. Dr. Emerson's Lake, Seneca. Branting's Pit, North Platte. George's Lake, Hyannis. Platte River—Holes. (continued on page 18)
(Continued from page 7)shortage of water, it has not been possible as yet to develop it to its full extent.
CHAMPION LAKE RECREATION GROUNDSThe Commission purchased a small tract containing 12 acres for the sum of $1,200.00 located on Champion Lake near Champion in Chase County, Nebraska. This is an excellent fishing lake and its purchase was made in order to permit the public to have access to the lake.
LOUP CITY RECREATION GROUNDSThe Commission purchased 50 acres adjacent to the Middle Loup River, located near Loup City in Sherman County, Nebraska for the sum of $5,000.00. All of this tract was well timbered and rights for taking water from the Loup River, together with the necessary channel for leading the water through the tract were secured. Since the purchase a lakq has been constructed and stocked with fish. Other minor repairs and improvements have been made.
WELLFLEET RECREATION GROUNDSThe Commission purchased 45 acres for the sum of $594.00 and accepted a gift of a school lease on an additional 160 acres, located adjacent to Wellfleet in Lincoln County, Nebraska. Since the purchase a dam costing $6,000.00 has been constructed and Medicine Creek, which flows through the holdings has been dammed, now giving the state an 80 acre lake.
ALEXANDRIA LAKE RECREATION GROUNDSA tract of 40 acres, located near Alexandria in Jefferson County, Nebraska, was purchased by the Commission for the sum of $3,000.00. Since the purchase of this tract, three terraced lakes have been built and stocked with fish. The project has been fenced and other minor improvements made.
ARNOLD LAKE RECREATION GROUNDSThe Commission purchased a tract of 40 acres, located near Arnold in Custer County, for the sum of $4,000.00. It is expected to construct a lake of about 20 acres on this site, but such construction has not as yet been completed.
FRYE LAKE RECREATION GROUNDSFrye Lake, located near Hyannis in Grant County and containing 345 acres was purchased by the Commission for the sum of $7,245.00. This is an excellent fishing lake and at the time of purchase was well stocked with fish.
UNION PACIFIC LAKE RECREATION GROUNDSThe Commission purchased 146% acres of abandoned sand pits located near Fremont in Dodge County for the sum of $7,325.00. There is over 100 acres of water on this tract, one of the pits being over one-half mile long and the largest in the state. No development work as yet has been undertaken at this place.
RAVENNA RECREATION GROUNDSThe Commission purchased 80 acres located near Ravenna in Buffalo County for the sum of $5,000.00. This tract is adjacent to the Loup River and will contain a lake of about 50 acres when completed. No development as yet has been undertaken on this project.
BALLARD'S MARSH HUNTING GROUNDSThe Commission purchased 1,583 acres known as Ballard's Marsh in Cherry County for the sum of $15,830. This Marsh is one of the best feeding grounds for migratory waterfowl in northern Nebraska. The same has been opened by the Commission for public hunting.
RICHARDSON COUNTY RECREATION GROUNDSThe Commission purchased 55 acres located near Verdon in Richardson County, Nebraska, for the sum of $5,500.00. A lake containing approximately 30 acres is now under construction.
(Continued from page 10)During 1931 the hatching house at this hatchery was remodeled and five aquariums were placed therein for permanent exhibition.
HOLDING AND DISTRIBUTING PLANTSIn 1929, the Commission authorized the construction of what is known as a holding and distributing plant. This was built at the State Fair Grounds on the state property which was donated for such use by the State Board of Agriculture. A modern fish plant was constructed for some $20,000.00. This plant contains tanks for the holding of several carloads of fish, together with trackage and unloading platforms for the fish cars, store-rooms for seines and other equipment, an office and rooms for employees quarters.
Hundreds of thousands of fish are handled each year through this plant and its use greatly expedites the work of the Commission.
HOLDING PONDEach year the Commission moves hundreds of thousands of bullheads from over-stocked sand hill lakes to southeastern Nebraska and in order to carry on this work efficiently and at the least possible expense, a series of holding ponds were constructed in 1931, four miles east of Havelock in Lancaster County, Nebraska. Here the bullheads brought down from the sand-hill lakes are now held and fed, some being trucked out to ponds, lakes, rivers etc., as needed.
FISH CAR AND FISH TRUCKSIn order to cut down the expense of transporting fish, the Commission authorized the building of five trucks, especially designed for the handling of fish. This fleet was put into operation, relieving the railway fish car from making individual deliveries. By rising the fish trucks, the Commission was able to handle a much larger number of fish at much less expense, practically all deliveries of fish to lakes, ponds, etc., now being made by these trucks whereas the railway car is used for express work or other long distance hauls.
NURSERIESModern fish culture requires the use of nurseries located near lakes and ponds to be stocked. Baby fish
(continued oin page 17)
(Continued from page 5) Fur-Buying Permit. Missouri River Commercial Fishing. Fish Vendor's Permit. Private Fish Hatchery. Training Dogs. Beaver Damage Permit. Pheasant Damage Permit. Scientific Permit. PERMITS ISSUED 1929 1930 1931 Resident Hunt and Fish __.170,244 187,022 *177,670 Non-Resident Hunt and Fish 322 448 *425 Non-Resident Fish ________ 3,164 3,254 *3,092 Resident Trapping________ 7,643 8,279 *7,866 Non-Resident Trapping____ 2 Breed Game Birds________ 453 532 461 Breed Fur-Bearing Animals. 759 525 302 Buy Furs ________________ 594 146 147 Non-Resident Buy Furs____ 16 19 Scientific Permits__________ 29 24 25 Game Fanciers____________ 64 41 Private Fish Hatcheries___ 23 36 Pheasant Damage__________ 400 110 Beaver Damage ___________ 19 164 *NOTE—The above figures are estimated, inasmuch as the State Auditor's report is incomplete at time of publication of this report.Permits are sold by over a thousand accounts including county clerks, hardware stores, banks, sporting goods stores, etc. Each year it is necessary to print the permits and send them out to the accounts and make collections for the same, accounting to the State Auditor for all sums collected. The books are audited at the end of each year and reports of same are filed. The amount of money derived from permits each year can be ascertained by referring to the financial section of this report.
MAPSIn order to carry out the state-wide program of conservation, the Commission authorized the Secretary to begin a five-year program of mapping the various natural resources in the State. This work has been carried on for two years and maps covering some thirty counties are now available in the Secretary's office, which show water, forests and recreational resources. These maps are cased and made in such form that blue prints can easily be made from them at any time work is to be carried on in any particular county. At the time the Commission took charge there were no records available in the Secretary's office showing these resources, and it was deemed advisable to get this work started at an early date in order to better administer laws governing such matters.
CONTRACTSDuring the past three years numerous contracts have been made for the purchase of land, building of lakes, nurseries, buildings, etc. Most of this work has been done by contract, copies of such contracts being on file in the Secretary's office, although in some cases the work has been carried on by the Commission's own personnel, thus utilizing employees during off seasons on other work and equipment already owned. All the legal papers pertaining to transfer of land have been approved by the Attorney General of the State, properly recorded in the counties where such parcels of land were bought and the papers pertaining thereto filed in the Secretary's office.
EDUCATIONAL WORKThe Commission has felt that education is an important part of law enforcement and have authorized steps to be taken which would bring to the people of Nebraska realization of the need of conservation and the strict observance of all game laws. In order to carry this to the majority of the citizens of the Commonwealth, the State press has been used and at this time the Commission desires to acknowledge the fine cooperation which has been given them by the staff of reporters on duty at the State Capitol, as well as the Press Association representatives and editors of the various state papers.
A quarterly publication, known as "Outdoor Nebraska", has been published. Some seven thousand copies of this bulletin are distributed each quarter of the year to schools, organizations and individuals interested in conservation work.
Motion pictures have been taken of the Commission's activities and these have been furnished free with a game warden in charge to lecture to the schools and organizations desiring same. During the past two years one hundred showings have been made to approximately twenty-five thousand citizens of the State.
CORRESPONDENCE AND RECORDSThe Secretary's office handled a large volume of correspondence each year, the same growing as time goes on. Thousands of inquiries are received in the course of each year, all of which are given prompt attention. Hundreds of complaints regarding game violations, etc., are received, which are immediately placed in the hands of district game wardens for personal investigation. Records are kept of all correspondence and transactions and are available when needed.
SPECIAL WARDENSIn addition to the District Wardens, there are a number of Special Deputy Wardens in the several districts. It has been found more satisfactory to use Special Wardens primarily for watching Game Reserves, Recreation Grounds and reporting information regarding violation of law, rather than making arrests. Where possible, the District Warden makes the arrest and prosecutes upon the evidence secured by special men.
BONDSAll Wardens are required to give surety bonds. District Wardens give bonds in the sum of $2,500.00 each and Special Wardens in the sum of $500.00 each.
UNIFORMSThe latter part of 1929, the Commission furnished each District Warden with a suitable uniform and since that time, wardens have been required to wear the same while checking permits and where coming in contact with the public generally. Of course it is not always possible for the warden to be in uniform, as at times he must withhold his identity.
The uniform has had a general wholesome effect in
(continued on page 16)
(continued from page 15)law enforcement work. Sportsmen and citizens generally feel they are better protected by the uniformed officer and more respect is generally secured.
TRAN SPORT ATIONAll District Wardens are furnished automobiles purchased by the Commission and in no case are Wardens paid mileage.
Experience has shown that it is better for the state to own the vehicles than to pay mileage, owing to the fact that it is difficult to check the latter. Small automobiles are used and traded in at the end of each year, thus making the depreciation cost per man very small. Cars are operated on the average for, from 2 c to 4 c per mile, including depreciation.
FIELD DIARIESAll District Wardens are now required to carry field diaries, which are filled out daily and sent to the office at the end of each month. This diary calls for a complete report on expense, personal and transportation expenses, miles travelled, (daily), complaints investigated, licenses inspected, arrests made, devices confiscated and such other work as the warden is called upon to do.
COMPLAINTSHundreds of complaints are handled each year from all parts of the state. These reports which come into the office are referred immediately to the district warden who makes a personal investigation, reporting back to the office what action was taken, if any.
All special permits such as those issued for scientific purposes, damage caused by pheasants from beaver, are likewise investigated by the wardens.
Year of 1929 Arrests _________________________________ 528 Complaints investigated---------------------------- 600 Articles confiscated---------------------------------- 411 Liquidated damages collected-------------------? 1,881.00 Fines collected for school funds----------------$ 8,392.50 Fish salvaged by wardens------------------------ 304,989 Permits checked _________________________ 9,300 Special investigations------------------------------- 433 Year of 1930 Arrests _________________________________ 635 Complaints investigated---------------------------- 1094 Articles confiscated---------------------------------- 933 Liquidated damages collected -------------------$ 2,355.00 Fines collected for school funds----------------$ 10,800.00 Fish salvaged by wardens------------------------ 400,000 Permits checked _________________________ 10,400 Special investigations------------------------------- 619 Year of 1931 Arrests _________________________________ 531 Complaints investigated---------------------------- 800 Articles confiscated ______________________ 390 Liquidated damages collected _____________$ 965.33 Fines collected for school funds___________$ 6,533.25 Fish salvaged by wardens________________ 423,800 Permits checked _________________________ 7,600 Special investigations_____________________ 289STATE PARKS SHOW GROWTH UNDER COMMISSION
(Continued from page 6)persons using the swimming pool. The attendance during 1931 is the largest at the park in its history, there being approximately 128,000 visitors.
VICTORIA SPRINGS STATE PARKIn the spring of 1929, Victoria Park experienced a very disastrous flood and much of the grounds was damaged. Practically the entire latter part of the year was given over to the cleaning up and repairing of the park. A foot bridge leading from the picnic grounds across the creek was constructed and other minor repairs were made.
During 1930, the grounds at this park were greatly improved. A Lake was built of some 15,000 acres, the creek was straightened, two dams were built and considerable dirt filling was put in. In the summer of 1930 the highway past the park was graveled and the Commission gravelled the road connecting with the highway running into the park. Additional camp equipment was installed as well as other minor repairs having been made.
During 1931, a thousand yards of dirt removed and used for filling in the south end of the picnic grounds, the two springs were repaired and raised and put in better shape, a bath-house was constructed on the bank of the lake and equipped with suits etc., for the accommodation of the public. A small electric light plant was installed as well as a water pump for taking care of shrubbery and trees and minor repairs were made. Five hundred pines were added to the pine grove, several thousand bass were raised in the lake which were distributed in nearby lakes and ponds. All buildings were painted and improvement generally carried out.
This park is now in much better shape than ever before.
STOLLEY STATE PARKConsiderable improvement has been made at this park during the three years that the Commission has had charge. The gardens were enlarged until they now cover some two acres. Buildings have been painted and repaired, as well as roads and drives! being gravelled and covered with cinders. Picnic grounds have been enlarged through clearing of under-growth in the east end of the park and a nice assortment of playground equipment has been installed. Two large chemical toilets were built and the superintendent was furnished a light truck in order to service the park. A small tractor for cultivating and mowing lawns was furnished, as well as other minor equipment. This park is used extensively for picnics and the flower gardens are attracting considerable attention. Playground equipment has proven especially attractive.
PRESENT STATUS OF PARKSThe Commission instituted a "Pay-As-You-Go" program for each of the state parks, placing them on separate budgets and requiring superintendents to adhere strictly thereto. After the paving of all bills pertaining to the maintenance of all parks, the Park Fund on December 31, 1931- had an unexpended balance of $5,759.52.

(continued from page 14)hatched in hatcheries are placed in these nurseries and when partially grown released into natural water. By the use of these nurseries, a much larger percentage of fish reach maturity and the cost of transporting them is greatly reduced.
During the past three years the Commission has added the following nurseries to some four or five all ready in existence:
County Where Located Near town of Kind of Fish Brown County Johnstown Trout Brown County Long Pine Trout Cherry County Trout Lake Bass Cherry County Pelican Lake Bass Cherry County Schlegel Creek Trout Cherry County Snake Eiver Trout Cherry County Dewey Lake Bass Cherry County Boardman Lake Trout Cherry County Niobrara River Trout Sheridan County Rushville Trout Sheridan County Rushville Trout Sheridan County Rushville Trout Sheridan County Gordon Trout Dawes County Chadron Trout Dawes County State Park Trout Dawes County Marsland Trout Saunders County Memphis Crappie and Sun Fish Custer County Victoria Springs Bass Antelope County Royal Bass Antelope County Royal Trout Holt County Steel Creek Trout Holt County Steel Creek Trout Holt County Verdigre Creek Trout CONTRACT NURSERIESDuring the year of 1930, the Commission undertook an experiment with fish culture. A contract man was engaged whose duty it was to promote the building of private ponds, such fish raised therein to be sold to the state.
During 1930 and 1931 some twenty contract ponds were built by individuals who were interested and during the fall of each of these years, some 50,000 bass were secured by the state.
In addition to the bass purchased from the contract ponds, the Commission made extensive purchases of bass from private fish hatcheries now operating in Nebraska. Prices paid for such fingerling bass raised were $30.00 and $50.00 per thousand. Such purchases were used to augment the supply raised at the hatcheries and nurseries owned by the state.
FISH DISTRIBUTIONThe following report covers the distribution of all fish during the past three years:
FISH STOCKED County 1929 1930 1931 Adams __________________ 5,500 12,343 32,200 Antelope ________________ 41,990 48,763 99,390 Arthur __________________ 24,000 182,000 Boone ____________________ 16,200 4,500 12,500 Box Butte _______________ 5,150 7,500 Boyd _____________________ 7,850 160 780 Brown __________________ 48,782 100,058 154,530 Buffalo _-________________ 85,198 Burt _____________________ Butler ___________________ 6,100 Cass -------------------------------117,521 Chase ___________________ 19,600 Cherry __________________149,509 Cheyenne ________________ 2,650 Clay _____________________ 6,300 Colfax __________________ 18,750 Cuming _________________ 3,779 Custer __________________ 150 Dakota __________________ 22,558 Dawes __________________ 20,000 Dawson _________________ 4,017 Deuel ___________________ Dodge __________________ 39,385 Douglas _________________ 87,159 Dundy __________________ 67,480 Fillmore_________________ 3,600 Franklin ________________ 23,600 Frontier _________________ 14,300 Furnas __________________ 8,300 Gage _____________________ 17,160 Garden __________________ 22,786 Garfield _________________ 6,050 Grant ___________________ 1,600 Greeley _________________ 2,400 Hall _____________________ 29,899 Hamilton ________________ 1,000 Harlan __________________ 300 Hitchcock _______________ 4,750 Holt _____________________ 66,015 Hooker __________________ Howard _________________ 300 Jefferson ________________ 3,100 Johnson _________________ 3,000 Kearney I_________________ 900 Keith ___________________ 22,800 Keya Paha _______________ 3,000 Kimball_________________ 20,000 Knox ___________________ 9,750 Lancaster ____________!— 14,805 Lincoln _________________ Loup _____________________ 3,950 Madison _____-___________ 56,580 McPherson _______________382,546 Merrick _________________ 28,409 Morrill __________________ 53,200 Nance __________________ 4,000 Nemaha -------------------------- Nuckolls _________________ 200 Otoe _____________________ Pawnee _________________ 2,500 Pierce __________________ 3,760 Platte ___________________ 7,420 Polk _____________________ Red Willow_______________ 400 Richardson ______________ 6,800 Rock _____________________ 10,350 Saline ___________________ 37,870 Sarpy ___________________ 47,303 Saunders ------------------------ 32,329 Scottsbluff _______________333,237 Seward _________________ 18,460 Sheridan ________________ 50,160 42,165 29,000 16,200 1,800 6,788 3,750 308,038 157,625 16,250 17,450 234,765 738,185 9,000 6,700 67,290 278,700 4,300 13,000 9,691 22,200 5,082 27,005 31,200 100,000 145,912 99,297 11,308 5,850 12,000 450,705 74,175 304,815 68,100 9,130 47,550 5,500 1,500 10,900 22,800 15,400 19,601 12,112 41,150 32,000 91,230 9,700 520 25,000 249,261 20,300 32,020 45,250 52,500 600 12,500 15,500 28,140 11,855 127,830 284,695 8,980 6,030 6,000 6,420 32,310 10,500 6,800 1,000 2,000 15,000 2,500 5,278 80,400 18,750 5,200 4,000 33,375 36,311 79,926 552,863 5,000 98,387 43,316 488,989 346,500 38,972 17,000 52,660 138,963 1,200 70,900 1,000 4,400 1,000 400 4,000 13,075 225 11,600 100 1,300 44,200 120,775 12,700 10,042 32,250 13,400 14,035 39,750 124,835 19,484 331,650 292,655 12,800 63,800 137,270 193,563
(continued from page 13) Horse Lake, Miller. Horseshoe Lake, Calhoun. , Bunn's Lake, Blair. McKenzie's Lake, Wisner. ' Nemaha Lake, Nemaha. American Legion Lake, Primrose. Camp Shelton Lake, Columbus. ' Scheeger's Lake, Tilden. ! Abbott's Lake, Hyannis. Wright's Lake, Hyannis. ; Sear's Lake, Hyannis. .George's Lake, Hyannis. Hoffman Lake, Melbeta. • Frye's Lake, Hyannis. . Box Lake, Flats. ;West Diamond Bar Lake, Flats. : Stone Lake, Ashland. Rapp Lake, Waterloo. Gresh Lake, Falls City. Gardner Lake, Merriman. Bowering Lake, Merriman. 1931 ACTIVITIESDuring 1931, over a half million game fish were salvaged and transplanted to other water and approximately 300,000 pounds of coarse fish removed. Rivers, ponds and lakes seined during this year were as follows:
Moon Lake, Johnstown. Linoma Beach, Ashland. Rice and University Lakes, Scottsbluff. Middaugh Lake, Ames. U. P. Sand Pits, Fremont. Murphy Lake, Fremont. Blue River, Beatrice. Heckendorf Lake, Pilger. Louisville Sand Pits, Louisville. Lake Quinnebaugh, Tekamah. Missouri River, Herman. Benkelman Club Lake, Benkelman. Lake Minatare, Minatare. Ostenberg Lake, Scottsbluff. Cotton Wood Lake, Kearney. Snyder Lake, Ewing. Cotton Wood Lake, Atkinson. St. Michael Lake, St. Michael. Wendt's Lake, Battle Creek. Crystal Lake, Tilden. Crystal Lake, South Sioux City. Rat Lake, Ainsworth. Goose Lake, O'Neill. Weblemore Sand Pits, Fairbury. East Reservoir, Kimball. Cheyenne Fur Farm, Sunol. Bayard Lake, Bayard. McCartey's Lake, Bingham. Moran's Lake, Hyannis. Ross Hager's Lake, Hyannis. John Revere's Lake, Hyannis. George's Lake, Hyannis. Soda Lake, Hyannis. Fry's Lake, Hyannis. Club House Lake, Hyannis. Eagen's Lake, Hyannis. Moser's Lake, Lakeside. Crescent Lake, Oshkosh. Island Lake, Oshkosh. Sprague Sand Pits, Sprague. Swift Lake, Ashland. Republican River-—Rescue Work. Platte River—Hoop netting. West Lake, Pilger. Willet Lake, Albion. Snyder Lake, Cedar Creek. Small Lake near Ravenna. Small Lake near St. Michael. Dr. Emerson's Lake, Seneca. John Slaymaker's Lake, Atkinson. Hytrek's Lake, Stuart. Kane Lake, Wisner. Paul Brockman's Lake, West Point. Alexandria Nursery Ponds, Alexandria. Meyer Lake, Falls City. Sand Rock Lake, Falls City. Hoffman Lake, Melbeta. Fair Grounds Lake, Bridgeport. Blyberg Lake, Homer. Arlington Fair Grounds Lake, Arlington. Bartley Pit, Loup City. State Lake, Litchfield. Horseshoe Cutoff, Falls City.