Outdoor Nebraska
April 1928
I think that I shall never see A poem lovely as a tree. A tree whose hungry mouth is prest Against the earth's sweet flowing hreast. Ji tree that looks at God all day And lifts her leafy arms to pray. A tree that may in summer wear A nest of robins in her hair. Upon whose bosom snow has lain; Who intimately lives with rain. Poems are made by fools like me; But only God can make a tree. —Joyce Kilmer.
Official Bulletin Nebraska Bureau Game and Fish Vol. Ill APRIL, 1928 No. 2 CONTENTS Page Nebraska's Tree Campaign for 1928—By Dr. Geo. E. Condra - 3 Forestry As It Applies to Nebraska—By C. W. Watkins' - 4 A Page For Young Conservationists - 5 Editorial - 6 department Activities - 8Destroying Trees
Every year a great number of trees are needlessly destroyed. Nebraska has no large forests and yet each year sees a great many fine trees felled.
Of course there are times when it is necessary to cut trees'. Certain road construction, drainage, and cultivation demands that it be done. But the fact remains that many trees are cut that bring the owner little revenue and the need for cutting is little.
It takes years to grow trees. They have done much for our state. Before a tree is cut, the matter should be given serious' consideration. To needlessly destroy trees is out of line with conservation and should be discouraged.

A scene at Nebraska's Oldest Fish Hatchery, located on the Platte River opposite South Bend. Hundreds of people from Eastern Nebraska enjoy the shade from trees found here during the warm summer months.

Official Bulletin Nebraska Bureau Game and Fish Vol. Ill APRIL, 1, 1928 No. 2Nebraska's Tree Campaign for 1928
By Dr. Geo. E. CondraNEBRASKA gave the world ARBOR DAY, and is known as the Tree Planter's State. The State has done well in tree planting in the past, but must do better in the future, and WHY? Because trees serve many useful and necessary purposes, known to all, among them the following:
They form the habitat for song birds and other animals.
They afford shelter and shade for wild life, farm animals and man. They make our broad spaces more habitable.
They, with shrubs and flowers, environ our State with beauty.
They are a factor in education.
This year's campaign has been planned to emphasize the planting of trees for beautification, shade, shelter, and woodlot purposes. The growing of trees for posts, poles, lumber, and other commercial purposes, although important, is not included in the campaign to be emphasized this year. It is the purpose of the program, as outlined by the Forestation Committee and the Executive Committee for the American Forest Week to stress the use of trees and shrubs in the improvement of —
Homes Public Schools and Colleges Churches Hospitals and Cemeteries Homes for Children, the Aged, and the Poor Institutions under this State Board of Control Towns and Cities County Fairs State Parks Grounds of Industrial Plants Railroad Station Grounds.The horns of J. D. Reams, Broken Bow; then (upper)"; now (lower). Photo for upper cut by the
State Historical SocietyNo plan is here proposed for highway planting because a committee is investigating this matter for report next year. However, this lack of an agreed plan for the present should not serve to hold back the planting of memorial drives and the approaches to towns and cities. Forest Study and Extension Service
We now know better than in the past what kinds of trees to plant in the different regions of the State and how to care for them. This knowledge is based upon studies that have been made of the soils, the native trees, and the success or failure of the plantations.
he State Forester of the Conservation and Survey Division of the University studies the native forest and introduced trees of the State in relation to the soils and climatic factors, and is in a position to advise regarding the future policies in forest development. The Extension Forester of The Agric u 11 u r a 1 College of the University is employed to advise regarding the selection, planting and care of trees. Service of this kind is also available from the nurserymen whose stocks are inspected and certified by the State Department of Agriculture.
State Nursery Inspector, L. M. Gates, informs us that all nursery stocks in Nebraska are unusually free from insect pests and plant diseases. This applies to
(Continued on Page 12.)
Forestry As IT Applies to Nebraska
By Clayton W. Wat kins, Extension ForesterIn considering forestry as it applies to a state, like . it was, but he said he still had the problem of upkeep Nebraska we can consider it first as it aids agriculture., to face. Here was a problem that he had been thinking It would not be advisable to even suggest planting .prb-\ out, and his solution was to increase the income from ilk ductive fields to trees because the world is dependent' more or less on agricultural crops and the middle west is looked to for a large part of these. Trees will grow very well on land that is not suited to agriculture, and right there is where we should fit in our forestry.
The fact that N e b r a s k a people want trees is evidenced by the requests that have come to the Extension Service. Every county in the state will receive a portion of the trees being sent out for farm planting this spring. With the interest that is being s h o w n in tree planting there must be some thought given to placing these trees where they will do the most good, and still develop i n to p r o fv t because after all we are most concerned with increasing the farm i n c o m e.
I sometimes wonder if we his cows to a point where it would also cover upkeep on his machinery and buildings. This would leave his crop for profit and if he lost this crop or part of it he would be able to continue his regular farming operation without borrowing money. I am not an economist in the true sense of the word but I d o believe that we should a 11 study economic conditions more than we have in the past.
(Upper) A view of the Chadron State Park. (Lower) Nebraska's Federal Tree Nursery at Halsey.
A farmer is an executive, along with the many other things t h a he has to be, of a big business with all varieties of branches and he must be a real business man in order to meet the situations that arise. Here is where use should be made of the Extension Service. I f you have a specific farm problem, take it up with the man who has made a special study of that subject.
I believe in really want legislative help from Washington on our present farm problem or if we don't want to pull out of it ourselves by changing our methods of operation. By that I mean develop the things that are paying and drop the things that are not. A very conservative farmer told me this fall that his cows were paying his operating expense on a 1200 acre farm. I remarked that this sounded like a very stable basis, and he admitted that a good many cases he will help you. Perhaps you have worked out some problem that is troubling some of your neighbors. They may be neighbors in another state but they are neighbors just the same. Let the Extension Service know about this and it will be carried to others. As a matter of fact we all practice cooperation on a limited scale and the broader we can
(Continued on Page 15.)
A Page for Young Conservatives
NEBRASKA is known as the "Tree Planter's State" and during April we will observe a day set aside and known as Arbor Day.
During the month many Nebraska schools will have Arbor Day programs. In many cases out-door exercises will follow.
The following suggested program, together with material suitable for use on Arbor Day. is published for the use of teachers throughout Nebraska.
J. Sterling Morton Father of Arbor Day
A Suggested Arbor Day Program for Schools
1. Song, "America". 2. Recitation, poem ("What Do We Plant") 3. What Trees Do For Us, an essay by a pupil. 4. Recitation, poem (To be selected) 5. "What the Trees Teach Us", by fourteen small children. 6. Ten-minute talk, "Nebraska, Its Future", by a teacher or visitor. 7. Reading of Prize-winning Essay (or essays) in Forestry Essay Contest. 8. Recitation, poem (To be selected) 9. The Meaning of Arbor Day, an essay by a pupil. 10. Song, "The Planting Song."Exercises outof-doors may follow, such as "Planting the First Grade Tree", dedication of other trees, or the actual planting of trees.

Published by Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Fish and Game. Editorial Office, State Capitol, Lincoln, Nebraska FRANK B. O'CONNELL_______________________Editor DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Adam MeMullen____________________________Governor H. J. McLaughlin____-_____________________Secretary Frank B. O'Connell__________________________Warden of great quantities of small fry in our streams is not only wasteful but sheer folly. Vol. Ill Lincoln, April 1928 No. 2EDITORIAL
Time to get out your fishing tackle.
Have you bought your fishing permit for 1928? Do it now. You may forget about it if you wait.
Considerable interest is now being taken in game reserves'. Several new reserves of considerable size have been set aside this spring and a half dozen more are in the process of formation. Conservationists are beginning to get results.
The trout nurseries established in Nebraska during the past two years made it possible to release some 200,000 fingerling—fish from two to six inches—in Nebraska streams this spring.
It may safely be said that these 200,000 fingerling are worth more to the future anglers than the release of 5,000,000 fry. When fish partially grown are placed in suitable natural water, their chance to reach maturity is good.
Nebraska has about 65 streams' that are suitable for trout. These streams are located in western and northwestern Nebraska. There is no reason why, with sensible stocking from nurseries, these streams cannot be developed to the place where they will attract the angler.
There is nothing mysterious about fish culture. It is a business that requires common sense and practical knowledge in its application. It is highly technical and requires a life-time of study but in the end it is necessary to handle the raising of fish in a business-like way. The dumping
Persons who observed the spring flight of migratory waterfowl throughout Nebraska this spring are very optimistic regarding the situation. The flight this spring has been exceedingly large—perhaps the largest for several years. The Platte Kiver became the feeding ground for thousands' of ducks as early as February 15 and continued so until early in March. Later the lakes and swamps of the Sand-Hill country were teeming with birds. Geese came through in large numbers, some flocks estimated to contain 75,000 birds.
While the flight in Nebraska is not conclusive as to the general condition of the waterfowl and a nation-wide survey would necessarily have to be made to get accurate data, it would seem from observations here that both ducks and geese are holding their own tairly well and that the federal laws putting an ond to the spring hunting season is beginning to bear fruit.
The great complaint in Nebraska regarding the waterfowl is that the fall flight—during the open season—is very small. This' is true. Few fall flights compare with the spring flights. What is the cause of this?
If we were to venture a general answer to a problem which undoubtedly has many ramifications, we would say that lack of feeding ground and adequate water is the prime reason for the fall shortage. The ducks simply go south over other routes where feed and water are available. As a good illustration, ducks were very scarce in southern Nebraska last fall. In northern Kansas, where much low land was covered with water, there were thousands of birds.
The tendency to drain swamps' and lagoons as well as lakes will not tend to help the fall hunting. In fact, it is going to make that much less feeding ground for the migratory birds with the results that the annual flights will follow regular water courses or districts which happen to have had a heavy fall of water during the season.
The catfish is one of the most popular fish in
Nebraska. Thousands of dollars are paid into the
game fund annually by anglers who fish for catfish.
These fishermen by the hundreds seek
streams, lakes and ponds throughout eastern and
southern Nebraska where they can hook the wary
channel cat.
It is impossible to propagate catfish at hatcheries with any degree of success. Experiments are being carried on at several state hatcheries, but to our knowledge the channel catfish has not been artificially hatched in any great number.
It is' therefore necessary to depend upon nature to propagate the channel catfish, and protection by law to conserve the supply. There are two sources in Nebraska where the catfish spawn in considerable numbers. One is the Republican River and the headwaters of its tributaries in western Nebraska. The other is the Missouri River and its overflow lagoons, ponds, etc. When the Missouri River overflows its banks, it fills innumerable ponds, lakes etc, with fresh water and fish. These liio'ii opawn and the next spring the larger ones go out and the small ones remain. The larger fish eventually work their way up the tributaries of the Missouri.
There is now a controversy in Nebraska as to whom should have first rights to the catfish in the Missouri and its overflow. Some 150 commercial fishermen along the Missouri (Nebraska side) claim that the state should not interfere with their activities and that the fish belong to them. They have gone into the state courts to enjoin the state authorities' from enforcing the law and the use of nets, seines, etc. when used in the Missouri.
From a financial point of view the commercial fishing has been a distinct loss to the game fund. The revenue has been about $800 to $1,000 annually. On the other hand, it takes from $4,000 to $5,000 annually to adequately enforce the rules and regulations' for Missouri River and to protect the lakes and ponds close by the River.
Some of the quiestions that must be answered by Nebraska conservationists are as follows
1. Does the State of Nebraska have the right to regulate fishing on the Nebraska half of the Missouri River?
2. Must commercial fishing be continued indefinitely because certain citizens have made a business of it in the past?
3. Must the sportsmen of the state (who furnish the great bulk of the game fund) contribute annually some $2,000 or $3,000 toward Missouri River fishing, as' they have done in the past?
4. Shall we save the catfish for the angler or shall we save them for the commercial fisherman ?
These are questions facing the Nebraska citizen which must be considered. What is the answer ?
The one thing Nebraska needs most to improve her fine Sand Hill lakes is trees.
That trees will grow in the Sand Hill country is an established fact. Experiments at the Halsey nursery have established this beyond doubt.
Therefore, all that remains to be done is to plant trees. This can be done in two ways: by the state planting them and by the state helping the farmer and ranchman to plant them.
The Bureau of Game and Fish believe in planting trees. This spring 25 acres at Rat and Beaver lakes will be planted. It is hoped that the work will continue until there is several hundred acres of pines at these lakes. If such a program is followed. for 10 • years it will bring about a great change.
Trees and the State
By Adam McMullen, Governor of NebraskaWe should plant more trees in Nebraska for all the beneficial purposes. Trees add beauty, shelter, and an economic resource. They have an important place in the development and conservation of our civilization.
It was my pleasure about two years ago to select a committee to further forestation in Nebraska. This committee has served well without cost to the State. Many more trees were planted last year than the year before, and the plantings are to be greatly extended this year. It is pleasing to know that the farmers and ranchmen nave cooperated so generally in the tree-planting movement.
The Extension Forester of the University has done good work in promoting the distribution of free trees, in the follow-up work relating to planting methods, and in the care of trees.
On behalf of the State, I wish to express to the U. S. Forest Service the appreciation of our citizens for the many trees that have been released from the Halsey Nursery free for general distribution in Nebraska, and to the nuerserymen of the State for their favorable attitude, and their cooperation with the Forestation Committee and the Extension Forester in the distribution of trees.
I concur heartily in the purpose of the American Forest Week as set forth by Calvin Coolidge, President of the United States, and urge the citizens of Nebraska to participate generally in this program of tree planting.

Trees At Rat & Beaver LakesDuring April 25,000 pine trees will be planted on the state holdings at Rat and Beaver Lakes in Cherry County.
It is planned to make an annual planting each spring until a forest of several hundred acres is growing. The land will be fenced at an early date.
Spillway at Red DeerA new spillway to control the level of Red Deer Lake in Cherry county has recently been installed by the Bureau of Game and Fish. The state, the Community Club of Wood Lake, the Red Deer Hunting Club and Woods Bros. Ranch were all interested in the project.
Trees at FremontSome 2,000 trees will be planted this spring on the state recreation grounds at Fremont. All of the portion of the grounds which was graded down last year will be planted with trees and it will also be sown with grass.
The Izaak Walton League of Fremont will have charge of the planting. Several hundred members have promised to donate their services for a day or more and will assist the state in planting the trees. At a later date it is planned to dedicate the park with appropriate ceremonies.
A nice bag taken by Chas. Hayes, Floyd Johnson and Frank Reichardt, all of Imperial. The largest weighed nearly six pounds and the string twenty-five pounds, thirteen ounces.
T. N. Anstine, Goehner, and a string captured in eastern Nebraska.
Over 200,000 fingerling trout were released into Nebraska trout streams during the last few weeks. Nine nurseries, part of which were under the joint management of the Bureau and chapters of the Izaak Walton League, have been drained, the fingerling distributed and the nurseries re-stocked with fry.
Practically all the nurseries were in excellent shape and contained many fine fish. If the annual growth is as good each year as this spring, there is no doubt at all but western and northern Nebraska will soon be at the front for excellent trout fishing.
Fish Gar in ServiceThe state fish car, "Waltonian", went into service on March 27. It will be on the road distributing fish until warm weather.

Two nice flocks of "Honkers" that can be seen on Nebraska game farms. The flock to the right belong to Carl Wintersteen and R. J. Lilidoll, near Bruning. The left one is owned by A. R. Golay, Kearney.
The car was remodeled this winter and is now in as good shape as when new—in fact better shape, since there is more capacity for fish and better s, i r compressors are now installed.
The old o b servation room was torn out, the sleeping room . and heater moved back and four more tanks added. A new air compress i ,n g. and power unit of the latest d esign was ins t ailed.
This compressor will fill the air tanks in twenty minutes whereas the old system required several hours and was inadequate in handling capacity loads of bass and trout. New wheels and braking equipment, a new roof, new floors, and many minor improvements were added. The car was also re-painted.
A spring-fed bass pond at Franklin. This pond shows what can be done in local fish propagation.
With the opening of spring work, activities at the Rock Creek Hatchery (Dundy County) were resumed. It is planned to construct a large number of ponds this summer and prepare the hatchery for the hatching and rearing of many bass and' trout.
Valentine ImprovementsSuperintendent Merritt at the Valentine, Hatchery has completed a new water supply system,., constructed a machine and supply house, re-decorated the hatching house and made numerous minor improvements , at the, Valentine plant. Work on the ponds and spillway will begin shortly. A great deal of work will, necessarily have to be done there this spring and summer to protect the property from floods. The spillway will be widened and deepened and the dams of many of the ponds riprapped.
Two. carloads of carp, about 50,000 pounds, were taken from Moon Lake this spring. A dam is being installed there to keep course fish out. The state will begin stocking this lake shortly. It is one" of the large lakes of northern Nebraska and hns great possibilities.
A five pound Rainbow taken in the upper Snake River by J. M. Merritt, Superintendent of Fisheries at Valentine,

Waltonions Hold Convention in Nebraska
NEBRASKA will be honored this year by being the host to the national convention of the Izaak Walton League of America, which will be held at Omaha April 18-19-20-21.
This convention will be well worth attending by all Nebraska sportsmen. Some of the leading, conservationists and game and fish -officials of the country will speak. Great conservation problems will be discussed. There will be a great sportsman's show at the Auditorium where sixty leading manufacturers of sport goods will have displays. There will be seen every sort of a rod, reel, gun, boat, tent and whatnot that one could imagine.
A program of the most active conservation discussions, participation, in shaping League policies on recreational and conservation questions, is being drawn up.
In a general way, the principal subjects to be discussed at the convention will be flood control, reforestation— with particular reference to flood control—pollution, the commercial fisheries situation ,the grazing problem.
The Western Duck campaign, the movement to create an international recreation area of the Superior Forest and Quetico Park will be thoroughly explained perts, and the discussion will be thrown open to all present. The same will be done in regard to all major activities of the national organization.
The Western Duck campaign, the movement to create an international recreation area of the Superior Forest and Quetico Park will be thoroughly explained and discussed by experts, and the discussion will be thrown open to all present. The same will be done in regard to all major activities of the national organization.
An especially interesting part of the program will be that in which the presidents of all state divisions will tell, in brief talks, what their divisions are, have done, are doing, and plan to do.
An important report to be presented to the convention will be that of the Will Dilg Memorial Committee. Since the last convention this committee has been working faithfully on this matter, and since last August has made every effort to obtain ideas and suggestions from the rank and file of Waltonians. Many of these have been received, and during the winter have been compiled, duplications eliminated. The chairman of the Committee, Mr. H. V. Teegarden of Winona, Minn., has drawn up a list of all ideas and suggestions that have been submitted, and its report will be submitted.
Before the convention closes it is certain that a course of definite action will have been decided upon to fittingly memorialize the founder of the Izaak Walton League so that his memory and his work will be perpetuated.
Probably the tensest moment of the whole Omaha gathering will be the awarding of a handsome Hupmobile Century Straight Eight sedan to the writer of the best League slogan. Any visitor to the Sportsman's Show may win this beautiful car as the contest is open to all and upon entering the Show every visitor will be handed a blank on which to write his slogan.
The fortunate winner of this magnificent Hupmobile will be selected by a committee of five judges and announced as a feature of the grand finale on the last night of the Show. A brilliant array of other wonderful prizes will be awarded; the kind about which we all dream and seldom possess. Description of these will be furnished later.
A Nebraska school without trees
In a report on the possibility of raising beavers profitably, the Biological Survey of the United States Department of Agriculture says that there are many localities where these fur bearers could be reintroduced without harm and where, through storing water in the reservoirs along mountain streams, they ,*, would do much good b y helping prevent floods and extensive erosion, by increasing the stream flow in dry weather, and by improving the fishing resources of streams and lakes. In such places they A Nebraska school without trees. would not only enrich forests and parks with a unique and intensely interesting form of wild life, but also would add much to the decreasing supply of valuable fur.
Beavers, the Survey has found, can be kept readily in a fully controlled if not a fully domesticated state. Because, the animals are comparatively clumsy and slow walkers, they rarely go far from their home stream. To confine them to a narrow strip along a certain stream, therefore, it is only necessary to fence across the stream a short distance above and below their colony, running the fences at right angles to the stream about 30 rods on each side.
The best location for beaver farms is believed to be in the tier of states along the Canadian border. A rough guide to desirable range for beavexs is the presence of the aspen or poplar tree. These trees are their favorite food. Much of the best beaver country is in localities where, after the original timber has been lumbered off and the ground burned over, thickets of aspen and pin cherry have sprung up as second growth. Such land is generally considered almost worthless, but it might support a large beaver population and could be successfully handled either on a large or a small scale. A small fur farm, where detailed attention can be given to the animals, is likely to prove more successful at first, and can be extended when management practices are fully mastered.

We have many schoolhouses in Nebraska whose cheerless surroundings could be changed to comfort and beauty by planting of trees. Every child should be taught that in the planting and care of trees, he becomes an actual factor in fostering a love for the school, the home, the community, and the state, and in establishing a living memorial.
We are making it a state-wide project to plant trees on every school ground in the state this spring. Only by concentrated effort can we do this, and we strongly urge every county and city superintendent to arrange for the observation of Arbor Day and for the planting of trees upon every school ground in Nebraska this year.
Added interest and zest may be aroused by planting Memorial trees. Let us have a tree for Lindbergh on every school ground. The children should be allowed to nominate candidates for whom trees are to be named, giving reasons for their selections. Begin this early in April and make it a part of the work in English. Encourage the pupils to investigate the lives of our presidents, prominent men and women, and those who have been influential in promoting the best interests of our state and nation. Selection of those for whom trees are to be named should be made by ballot and suitable markers provided for each tree.
Arbor DayThis should be made a community day with appropriate exercises attendant upon planting of trees upon the school grounds. A suggestive program especially appropriate to Arbor Day observance will be found in Bulletin M-5071. These bulletins, will be supplied in a sufficient number so that a copy may be sent to each school. We will call for a survey and report of the" County Superintendents in carrying out this tree planting project in every town and rural school in each county.
THE PLANTING SONG (To the tune of "America.") God save these trees we plant, And to all nature grant Sunshine and rain. Let not their branches fade, Save them from ax and spade, Save them for joy and shade— Guarding the plain. When they are ripe to fall, Neighbored by trees as tall, Shape them for good. Shape them to bench and stool, Shape them to square and rule, Shape them for home and school, God bless the wood. Lord of the earth and seas, Prosper our planted trees, Save with thy might, Save us from indolence, Waste and improvidence, And in thy excellence, Lead us aright. —Anonymous,American forest week
(The last week, in April) By H. D. Cochran, U. S. Forest ServiceThe idea of devoting seven days in the year to forestry education originated on the Pacific Coast in 1920. President Harding in 1922 and 1923 issued presidential proclamations which brought the Federal Government behind the idea. President Coolidge in turn gave the plan his sanction and has issued presidential proclamations each year since 1924.
Out of the multifarious "weeks" this is the only one to which the Government has given such recognition and support. Many governors have likewise issued special proclamations. At first, American Forest Week was called "Forest Protection Week," but the breadth of the forest problem led President Coolidge in 1926 to enlarge the scope of the undertaking and change its name to American Forest Week.
To Nebraska, American Forest Week means an opportunity to renew interest and stimulate enthusiasm in tree planting activities which have meant much to the stats since its first settlement. At the same time Nebraska takes advantage of this opportunity to plant more trees. Her citizens should look around and see for themselves what 30-50 years of tree planting have meant in beautifying the state and improving rural conditions.
"When you bring up the subject of fish, dead or alive, or game, vanishing or increasing, we always think of one public official in Minnesota who has his troubles," says the Grand Rapid Herald-Review. "That is the Game and Fish commissioner.
"His troubles may be those connected with the finances of his department, the enforcement of law, the propagation of animals. But his largest consideration must be with the public and the tens of thousands of foolish notions with which he is constantly beset.
"Most everyone thinks that he can run a hotel or a newspaper. About everyone thinks that he is an authority on wild life, from grouse to groundhogs. Those who do not consider themselves authorities on the whole question, have opinions on part and, of course, everyone feels it a duty to express those opinions.
"And some of the things that are said or actions that are proposed are the most fantastic suggestions.
"But there is doubtless a more pleasant side to the situation. Anyone who proposes methods of saving game and fish must be interested in conservation.
"The important problem in Minnesota is not to stimulate interest in conservation of wild life, for now that most of the game and fish are gone, we are interested in saving. The problem is to apply proper, scientific methods of conservation. And as to what those may be most people disagree."

(Continued from Page 1.)the State and Federal stocks as well as those of the commercial nurseries.
Out-of-state nurserymen are required to file inspection certificates with the State Department of Agriculture before shipping nursery stock into Nebraska.
Cooperation With NurserymenThe State committee and the nurserymen are in harmony regarding the forestation policy. Trees grown at the Federal nursery and experiment stations are to be distributed by the State for shelter belt and woodiot planting, and those for planting on state institution grounds are to be grown by the State or purchased from the nurseries at about the cost of production.
Where nurseries are close to the places of planting the cost of trees from them is as low in some cases as the packing and carriage charges on trees sent out by the State and Federal departments. In such places, it would seem, therefore, that the nursery stocks would be preferred since they are inspected, certified, and available, at the right time for planting.
We are assured by the Nurserymen that they can furnish trees at a very reasonable price, especially if the orders are placed far enough in advance of delivery. Yet lower prices are available for large orders made a year or more ahead of planting.
Home PlantingFlower beds, clumps of shrubbery, trees, and grassy lawns, are the outside furnishings of the home. They express the spirit of the home to the passer-by. The home plantings—well planned, well developed and well kept are environs of beauty, messages of harmony and love.
It would seem that farmer organizations, women's clubs, civic clubs, and service clubs of the State should further the home yard planting in Nebraska, both this year and as long thereafter as necessary to reclaim the homes with plantings adapted to the needs in the different parts of the State.
School Ground PlantingWhat is a school without flowers, shrubs, trees and a play ground? It is not fully equipped for educational work. There are too many schools of this kind in Nebraska. Charles W. Taylor, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, is to lead in furthering the School Ground Planting this year in connection with his larger service as State Chairman for American Forest Week.
College GroundsIt is a compliment to the State that our colleges have made splendid progress in planting their grounds. Present-day landscaping and the enlargement of college grounds due to the growth of institutions call for the removal of weedtrees and new planting according to present ideals and needs.
The officials of the respective colleges, supported by their governing boards and alumni should further beautify their campuses this .year in harmony with the general program. The nurserymen will give reasonable prices on orders of shrubbery and trees for the colleges and other institutions.
Church GroundsThe following is a statement prepared by the Student Pastors in the State University of Nebraska:
"We are happy to learn of the large-scale plan prepared to help churches, schools and public organizations of every kind to beautify their properties with trees and shrubs. We hope that this farseeing movement will be welcomed with enthusiasm and universal acceptance, so that almost at once a great improvement may be noticed over the bareness and frequent ugliness of the grounds surrounding so many of our buildings. We urge our friends all over the state to active cooperation in this movement.
"There is a connection, not always recognized and not easy to define, but deeply felt, between moral goodness and the beauty of nature. So we say, 'Let the youth of Nebraska grow up under the spell of such natural loveliness as God is waiting to bestow on those who cooperate with him.' "
Hospitals and CemeteriesWe take flowers to the sick and to the graves of the deceased, but sometimes fail to properly environ- our hospitals and cemeteries with living plants that express life and immortality.
The hospitals and cemeteries are, as a rule, looked after by duly selected committees, and boards, but so long as some of them are neglected, as observed at places, we have not done our full part in giving expression to the things that characterize our civilization.
Homes Supported by CharityThere are a number of homes or institutions for dependents in the state supported by churches and fraternal societies. They are for unfortunate children, the aged and the poor. Some of the homes where these unfortunate people are found are well planned and planted; others need attention. The Conservation and Survey Division of the University has assisted in planning the grounds of some of these institutions and is ready, upon request, to assist the others without charge. This service, however, is small compared with the responsibility that rests upon the organizations supporting the institutions.
State InstitutionsThe institutions referred to here are those under the State Board of Control. Assurance has been given by the board that all the grounds are being studied with a view of improvement and that this year trees will be planted where needed. Most of the institutions, especially the asylums, are well planted.
Towns and CitiesDuring recent years our muncipalities have been ".markedly improved by tree planting on residential streets, iv-d in parks. Committees, and Park Boards, working under Councils, are directing this work with some asoislanee from State and University departments, and at places under the technical guidance of locally employed i; nclsccpe gardeners or city foresters who give attention to the selection of trees, place of planting, spacing,
(Continued on Page 13.)
(continued from Page 12.)care, etc. The city planning expert of the Conservation and Survey Division of the University has served several towns and cities in this work without charge except expenses. Every municipality should plan for its future growth, and not neglect the proper use of trees in this plan.
At places in the state there are native woodland areas which with some change, can be developed into attractive municipal parks. These should be secured and reclaimed for use before it is too late.
County FairsIt is apparent that some of the county and district fair grounds of the state should receive attention this spring. George Jackson of the state organization is chairman of the committee directing this part of the program. No doubt he will receive the cooperation of the County Fair Boards in charge of grounds where planting should be done.
State ParksThese are under the State Park Board. Professor Wiggans, Secretary of the Board, says that more than usual planting is to be done on the State Park grounds this spring, especially in the parks that have been least improved.
Industrial PlantsMany industries of the state are in business districts where trees should not be planted, but some of these can be improved by the use of flowers, vines and shrubs.
Industrial plants in which the buildings have sufficient offset from the streets, and especially those in the outskirts of the cities, have adequate ground for trees. The officers of" the State Manufacturers Association are to cooperate with us in furthering the improvement of industrial grounds. The grounds of the Omaha Steel Works, at Omaha planned by Mr. Karl Vogel, are a model, showing what can be accomplished with flowers, shrubs and trees.
Railroad Station GroundsSome of these are now improved, in the smaller towns especially where there is room. Hon. C. J. Ernst, a lover of trees, is chairman of the committee on railroad planting. He is authorized to select a committee and probably will request the various railroads operating in the state to participate in a urogram of planting on station grounds favorably located for such.
Honor RollSteps should be taken to determine and recognize those who have succeeded and do succeed best in tree planting in Nebraska. The best school gardens have been recognized; why not an honor roll for tree planters? First, those who have done the most in an outstanding way in the past? Second, those who are to demonstrate best with trees in the future?
An attempt may be made in the near future to give public recognition to those who have succeeded most in planting homes, schools, churches, shelter belts, woodlots and parks. However it would seem that farmer organizations, women's clubs, civic organizations, service clubs and probably other organizations should extend this organization, rather than the state.
Nebraska National ForestsThere are two large Federal tree-planting projects in Nebraska, located in the Sandhill region, west of Halsey, and west of Snake River southwest of Valentine. Trees are grown at Halsey for planting on these areas. The work began about 25 years ago and to-date an area of more than 13,000 acres of sandhill land has been nlanted—12,000 on the Halsey, and 1,000 on the Niobrara Division of the forest. The prairie has been changed to forest, and it has been demonstrated that the conifers can be grown successfully on this kind of land.
For several years small trees were sent out from the Halsey Nursery for distribution only in the sixth conrressional district of Nebraska, and now the distribution of trees is handled by the State Extension Forester only. For two years trees have been released to farmers in all parts of the state, through the Extension Service.
Now that the Federal trees are available for all parts of the state, and since the area used for seed beds is to be extended to meet the growing demand for trees, it would seem that our citizens would be more interested than formerly in the Federal nurseries from which they are served without cost to the state. Then, too, the Halsey Division, which is reached by a State Highway, is our best example of tree planting in a large way, and should be visited by more and more of our citizens. It is an object lesson in forestation.
Many sandhill ranches now have groves from trees secured from the Federal nursery and it is thought, in view of the needs and results obtained, that this supply of trees should have been used by many more ranchers and farmers. Therefore, the ranchmen and farmers of the state are urged to anply for trees this year. Write at once to Extension Forester C. W. Watkins, care Agricultural College, Lincoln, for trees. Those too late for an assignment of trees for this campaign should apply for an allotment of pine trees for the next year's distribution.
Organization for the Tree Planting Campaign Adam McMullen, Governor of Nebraska, Honorary Chairman. Charles W. Taylor, Superintendent of Public Instruction, Active Chairman. Executive Committee Members State Forestation Committee: J. D. Reams, Broken Bow; C. C. Wiggans, Lincoln; S. R. McKelvie, Lincoln; Clayton W. Watkins, Lincoln; John B. Bergrtrom, Chappell. Program Committee Chas. W. Taylor, State Superintendent Public Instruction, Lincoln, Public Schools. Val Kuska, Agricultural Dept. C. B. & Q. R. R., Omaha, Public Schools. Dan V. Stephens, Member State Normal Board, Fremont, Colleges. E. T. Westervelt, State Board of Control, Lincoln State Institutions. (Continued on Page 14.)
(Continued from Page 13.) C. C. Wiggans, Secretary State Park Board, Lincoln, State Parks. Frank B. O'Connell, State Bureau of Fish and Game, Game Preserves. George Jackson, Secretary State Fair Board, Lincoln, County Fairs. C. B. Steward, Nebraska Farm Bureau, Lincoln, Rural Homes. Henry Schulte, Track Coach, University of Nebraska, Town Homes. Frank Tomson, Lincoln City Planning Committee, Municipalities. Philip Edinborough, City Forester, Lincoln, Municipalities. Byron R. Hastings, Realtors Organization, Omaha, Realtors. Bishop E. V. Shayler, Episcopal Church, Omaha, Churches. C. J. Ernst, Burlington R. R. and Fontenelle Park . Board, Omaha, Railroads. S. R. McKelvie, The Nebraska Farmer, Lincoln, Boy Scouts. Esther E. Blankenship, Officer Camp Fire Girls, Lincoln, Camp Fire Girls. W. H. Brokaw, Director Agricultural Extension, Lincoln, Rotary, Kiwanis, Lions and other service clubs. Marcus Poteet, Officer American Legion and National Guard, Lincoln, American Legion and Nat'l Guard. Milton Barrett, Officer American Legion, Lincoln, American Legion. Mrs. J. G. Ackerman, President State Ass'n Women's Clubs, Ainsworth, Women's Clubs. Mrs. G. E. Condra, Secretary Lincoln Women's Club, Women's Clubs. Frank Brady, President State Ass'n Izaak Walton League, Atkinson, Izaak Walton League. Col. T. W. McCullough, Omaha Bee, Omaha, Newspapers. T. C. Diers, Director University of Nebraska Radio Station, Radio. Otto Zumwinkle, State Manufacturers Ass'n, Lincoln, Manufacturers. Karl Vogel, Omaha Steel Works, Omaha, Industrial Grounds. Walter Whitten, Secretary Lincoln Chamber of Commerce, Chambers of Commerce. George A. Marshall, State Horticultural Society, Arlington, Horticulture. Lloyd Moffit, Pres. Nebr. Nurserymen's Ass'n, Fremont, Nurseries. Ernst Herminghaus, Sec'y Nebr. Nurserymen's Ass'n, Lincoln Nurseries.A SCHOOL FOR GAMEKEEPERS
A gamekeepers' school for the purpose of training men who can take charge of game bird raising and game restoration work for state commissions, agricultural colleges, sportsmen's clubs and private estates, will be established at Clinton, a short distance from Morristown, New Jersey, by The Game Conservation Society of No. 20 East 42nd Street, New York City. A tract of 1400 acres has been obtained near Clinton with the necessary buildings and facilities, and it is planned to have the school begin operations about April 15th next.
Instruction in the most modern methods of game production will be given under the foremost authorities in the country. The course will require one or two years and the students will receive a theoretical and practical education in the production of game. Graduates of the school will be furnished situations without charge by the Society.
The course is open to men over eighteen years of age who are interested in learning this interesting and profitable work, with the idea of entering the game breeding business or taking situations on game farms or preserves.
Tuition books and equipment will be furnished without cost by The Game Conservation Society. The only cost to students will be their board which will approximate one dollar per day.
Students may enter as individuals or may be sponsored by individuals, sportsmen's organizations or huntin"- and fishing clubs.
This school for the first time in history offers an opportunity to interested people to learn game breeding and ramekeeping under the nersonal supervision of the leading authorities in America. Graduates will be qualified to start in the girm breeding business for themselves or to take positions as gamekeepers or superintendents of sportsmen's clubs.
A limited number of students will be accepted for th^ course starting Anril 15, 1928.
Applications should be made immediately to—John C. Eu-itington, Secretary, THE GAME CONSERVATION SOCIETY, 20 East 42nd Street New York City.
The ho^es for the trees must be prepared before the planting day. The holes should be at least three feet across and two feet deep, and then the soil in the bottom spaded up as deep as possible. Fill the hole with lieht loan, until the tree, when placed in, will rest a little lower in the earth than it grew before. Good woods earth should be used, if it can be procured. The roots must be arranged as naturally as possible, all broken ones being cut away. The soil is worked in around the roots, and firmed. The tree is then watered well, and the hole filled with earth. The top soil should not be packed, but kept loose.
Deciduous trees should be severely pruned when trans-
(Continued on Page 16.)
(Continued from Page 4.)make that spirit of cooperation the less farm legislation we will need. Now to get back to my subject of forestry; I believe everyone will agree with me in the statement that trees are an asset to a farm. They furnish material for buildings, posts, fuel, and in fact so many things that I will not attempt to enumerate them. I will simply ask you to take stock of the material in the room where you are listening in and see how much of it has come from trees. Then answer me! Could we get along without them? In considering the present situation of timber supply it appears to me that we have a definite duty to perform. Our forests are disappearing at an alarming rate, and if this continues for another generation where are the trees coming from to furnish wood products for those who follow us if we do not plant them? The wood pulp industry can see the end of its supply of virgin timber in sight. Do they expect to discover a new world covered with timber in order to continue making paper? They do not! They are looking to the farm woodlot for at least part of their future supply.
If we here in Nebraska have a 25 year old woodlot on every farm in 1960 somebody is going to be here to buy the material that is ready to be cut. But the greater thing about having a 25 year old woodlot on every farm is that there will be a vast difference in living conditions. We will have broken up the sweep of wind that takes dollars from our pockets every year. Nebraska has a wonderful start in forestry and it is only necessary that this development be continued. The Nebraska National Forest at Halsey, Nebraska, is a striking example of what can be accomplished on our sandy land. It is now proven that pines do very well there, and every farmer should take advantage of that experience by starting trees around his buildings, or if he has trees, plant a few more with the idea of taking out a few cords of wood or a couple of loads of posts each year. There are a great many cottonwood groves scattered over the state that have served wonderfully well as wind protection, but many of them are in need of thinning, that is improvement cutting. Take out the older trees that have stopped growing, but be sure there are young trees there to fill the space. Cottonwood posts cut and put in the ground are very short-lived, so short in fact that it hardly pays to set them, but by peeling, seasoning and treating them with creosote they will last with many of the more rot resistant woods. I'm going to say how long they should last after being properly treated with creosote, but I do hope to arouse the suspicions of some of you until you will give it a trial, then I would like to hear from those who try it, in about 20 years just to see how the posts are lasting. Information on the use of creosote is published in bulletin form and can be secured from the Extension Service.
The trees sent out by the Extension Service are being planted mainly for wind protection around farm buildings, but in time they will also furnish some fuel and posts. We are in hopes of starting a few shelterbelt plantings this spring in southern and western Nebraska where occasional hot winds take a crop.
By shelter belt planting I mean a row or two of trees along the side or end of a field for crop protection. For this work two species should be planted alternately, one a low spreading type and the other a variety that will attain some height. Caragana and cottonwood make a good shelterbelt combination for the first ten years, then take out the cottonwood and replace them with pines which will start much better under the protection of the caragana. These species are both hardy and the cottonwood in ten years will not get large enough to interfere with the crops, yet it will be large enough to cut two of those posts per tree. Then we have had wind protection from these trees since they were about three years old or a period of seven years, and will cut about 200 posts from an eighty rod single row shelterbelt, leaving the caragana as a permanent hedge under which the pines can be started.
There are many opportunities in this state to practice any one of several methods of farm forestry. We have too much land that would be classed under "idle acres" on which taxes are paid but no income received. If we could develop farm forestry here, only to the extent of including this class of land it would be a step in the right direction. The white pine planting at Arbor Lodge near Nebraska City is evidence of what this species will do under eastern Nebraska conditions, and I see no reason why some of the brush land along the Missouri River should not be producing part of the white pine lumber that we are now freighting into the state. Furthermore, if we expect to have river boats steaming up and down this river we must have trees along its tributaries to regulate stream flow. Then if trees will regulate stream flow why isn't it reasonable to believe that they will regulate, to a limited extent at least, general moisture conditions? In checking wind they are checking evaporation. I'm sure you have noticed that the soil under a forest cover dries out much more slowly than soil in an open field. This of course is due partly to the heat of the sun, but more I think to the moving air which has a drying effect by increasing evaporation. These are some of the things that could be classed under farm forestry in Nebraska. Local conditions will vary the methods somewhat, but the general practice stands very much the same. Forestry must be considered in terms of 25 or even 50 years, so naturally the process is rather slow, but it seems that the general practice of farm forestry has a direct bearing on both social and economic conditions. Work in the woodlot, whether it be cutting fuel or posts for the farm or cutting timber for market, can be done in winter whe nother farm work is slack, thus making use of time and equipment that otherwise might be idle. Then the practice of forestry on idle acres during idle time will increase the income without increasing the overhead.
During the past two or more years, a great many weekly newspapers of the State have waged a consistent fight in behalf of conservation of natural resources. With telling effect these news agencies have educated those living where the game and fish are located. Local contact enables these publications to reach persons that cannot be approached in any other way.
From the standpoint of effective conservation, the value of weekly newspapers as a medium of education is so far reaching that it is impossible of comprehension. Only those in position to know can fully appreciate the results of their efforts. Sportsmen of the State are greatly indebted to their county papers that are carrying on this campaign of education and should lend them every reasonable assistance, financially and morally.

Talking about fish stories, here in one and a very interesting one at that, as related in a letter to the Department from Fred (Bass) Mayer of St. Louis. Our December issue contained an inquiry into the reasons why on certain days fish refuse to bite and readers of the magazine were asked if they could furnish the solution. Mr. Meyer seems to have suceeded in the following letter:
"In your December issue 'A Fisherman' of Paris, Mo., asks why it is that on some days fish absolutely refuse to bite.
From my bass-fishing experience let me say that bass are real gluttons. On certain days bass will strike most anything and everything that gets close to him. A four-pound bass that I caught at Macoupin, 111., had eight shad in his stomach that measured seven inches long.
At Havana, 111., a five-pound bass which I was particularly anxious to know why he had such an abnormal pouch, contained at least twenty-fjye crawfish, besides a catfish ten inches long and a small turtle two inches round.
At San Antonio, Texas a four-pound bass had his stomach full of ten small six-inch bass> After I showed the members of this club the contents qf. this bass they immediately replenished their lake with 5,000 minnows from nearby creeks.
At Iron Mountain Lake, Mo., a five-pound bass had seven sunfish measuring five inches in his storage pouch.
On several occasions on the Piney and Black Rivers where bass could not take flies or artificial bait, live minnows were placed all around them and no attempt was made by any of the bass near by to swallow them. One could see through the clear water a depth ranging from seven to ten feet.
These incidents prove that a bass will fill his stomach to the very limit, then he will lie dormant for days and no bait will lure him.
Then too, during the spawning season from about May 20th to June 10th.
This same condition I attribute to other classes of game fish."
The same Department has been making an investigation into the curriculum of Missouri schools and finds that biology is not taught in many of them. The Outdoor Life Conference held at the State Fair last August was told by such men as Governor Baker, Ex-Governor Hyde and United States Senator Harry B. Hawes that special effort should be exerted towards bringing the magazine.message of Conservation to school children and the Department believes that this can be accomplished through its monthly magazine, Game and Fish News. Logically, the teachers to whom this propaganda should be directed are those teaching biology and kindred subjects but there is no mention of this study in a large number of the schools listed. The Izaak Walton League and other sportsmen's organizations have in this condition of affairs a field which challenges their best endeavors. Such ardent leaders as Dr. Paul Price,. first vice-president of the Missouri Izaak Walton League, are earnest advocates of the proposal to bring this subject to the attention of school children and fortunately the League is in position to get direct action, with local school boards through its local chapters. The same, thing may be said of other similar organizations. While the present school year is on the last stretch, still there, are, three month? left and although it is too late, to .purchase books and inaugurate the teaching of biology in schools where it is not taught at present, still there is one plan that may be advantageously used. That.plan, is one of those advocated by Dr. Price and those .gentlemen above mentioned and comprehended ten-minute talks once a week by men or women informed on the subject of wild life conservation, and the use of literature, such as this magazine.
(Continued from Page 14.)planted. A very good rule to follow is this; always have a greater spread of roots than branches. Magnolias and hollies should have the leaves taken "off. Pines and cedars should not be pruned at all, therefore all roots must be kept intact.
Most important of all roots of trees should not be allowed to dry out for even five minutes. If the trees are assembled before planting time, they must be "heeled in" at once. A Shallow hole, or trench, is dug, the roots placed in it, then enough moist soil banked on them to prevent drying. If for any reason trees have to be carried from the one place to another, roots should be very carefully wrapped in wet gunnysacks.
A strong stake should be driven by each tree, and tied to it with soft strings. This is to prevent the wind from wallowing the little tree around, probably causing it to die.
If stock can reach the trees, breast-high pens should be built around them.
The above directions apply to trees not over five feet in height. Much better results are obtained from planting small trees.
A pretty ceremony is not nearly so important as to make the trees that are planted live.

Nebraska Game and Fish Laws 1927-1928
OPEN SEASONBlack Bass: (Not less than nine inches in length) : Season open from January 1 to May 1 and from June 10 to December 31. Bag 15, possession 25.
Bass, Rock, White, Striped: Not less than six inches is length) : Open season. January 1 to December 31. Bag 15, possession 25.
Catfish: (Not less than 11 inches in length) : Open season January 1 to December 31. Bag 15, possession 25.
Croppies: (Not less than six inches in length): Open season January 1 to December 31. Bag 15, possession 25.
Perch: (Not less than six inches in length) : Open season January 1 to December 31. Bag 25, possession 25.
Sunfish: (Bluegills, Pumpkinseed, etc.) (All lengths) : Open season January 1 to December 31. Bag 15, possession 25.
Trout: (Not less than eight inches in length) : Open season April 1 to October 31. Bag 15, possession 25.
Pickerel: (Not less than twelve inches in length) : Open season May 1 to December 31. Bag 15, possession 25.
Bullheads: (Not less than five inches) : Open season January 1 to December 31. Bag 25, possession 25.
Pike: (Not less than 12 inches in length) : Open season April 1 to October 31. Bag 15, possession 25.
Frogs: Bull frogs protected, all sizes, during all season. Grass frogs may be used for bait.
Minnows: Minnows may be used for bait. Take same only with minnow seines not more than 20 feet in length nor more than 4 feet in depth. Minnow seines and traps MUST have one-fourth (1-4) inch mesh.
Carp, Buffalo, Suckers, Gar (all lengths) : Open season January 1 to December 31. May be taken with spears during months of March to November, inclusive. These fish under Nebraska law classified as coarse fish and not game fish.
Prairie Chicken, Grouse: Open season October 1 to November 1, inclusive. Bag 5, possession 5.
Waterfowl (Ducks, Geese, Coots, Brants): Open season September 16 to December 31. Bag, 20 Ducks, 5 Geese, 20 Coots, 5 Brants. Possession: 40 Duaks, 5 Geese, 40 Coots, 5 Brants. Waterfowl are also protected by federal laws.
Pheasants: No general open season. From time to time short season may be opened by order Department of Agriculture.
Squirrels: Open season from September 16 to December 31. Bag 10, possession 20.
Raccoons, Muskrats, Opossums, Foxes and Otters: Open season on raccoons and opossums November 1 to February 15. Open season on muskrats, foxes and otters, November 16 to March 1.
NO OPEN SEASONElk, Dser, Antelope, Mountain Sheep, Beaver, Minnows (except for bait), Bull Frogs, Wood Duck, Doves, Quail, Swans, Imported Game Birds, Song and Insectivorous Birds, except Sparrows, Crows, Bluejays and Hawks
BAG LIMITSIN ONE DAY—5 prairie chickens, 20 ducks, 5 geese, 15 rails, 25 snipe, 20 coots, 15 game fish, except bullheads and perch which are 25.
AT ANY ONE TIME—5 prairie chickens, 40 ducks, 5 geese, 25 rails, 25 snipe, 40 coots, 25 game fish.
PERMIT FEESPermit required for all persons over 16 years of age for hunting or fishing. Permit required for ALL persons trapping regardless of age.
Permits necessary for women same as men.
Permits must be carried on person.
Resident—To Hunt and Fish $1.10. To Trap $2.10.
Citizens of the United States but not a resident of Nebraska—To Hunt and Fish $25.10. To Trap $25.10. To Fish $2.10.
Aliens—To Fish $5.10. To Trap $25.10. (No alien hunting permits issued because illegal for alien to carry firearms in Nebraska.)
SPECIAL PERMITSTo breed and raise game birds, $1.00.
To breed and raise game or fur-bearing animals, $2.00
To buy furs, resident $1.00, non-resident $10.00.
Private fish hatchery, $25.00.
To sell coarse fish taken in Nebraska with hook and line, $2.00.
GENERAL LAWSUnlawful to use artificial light, or spot light in hunting protected game birds and animals.
Unlawful to hunt on private land without owner's consent.
Unlawful to shoot game from automobiles.
Unlawful to put game in storage without tags issued by Bureau of Game and Fish.
Unlawful to keep game in storage more than 10 days following close of season.
Unlawful to ship game by auto, train, private car or express without tagged with tags issued by Bureau of Game and Fish.
Unlawful to use nets, seines or traps to take fish.
Unlawful to have seines, nets and traps in possession.

Why isTSIii^a shortage 01 cffife*. ' ie streams of eastern Nebraska?
Last year and every year hundreds of traps, seines and devices have been taken from Nebraska streams. In a drive on one Nebraska river 121 devices' were confiscated and there was evidence of where dozens more were being used. Many traps were found with twenty or thirty fine big catfish in them. Some traps were found with the skeletons of a dozen catfish in them—grim evidence of the damage done by such devices.
The people of Nebraska have decreed that ILLEGAL FISHING MUST STOP. The new game laws provide a severe penalty for illegal fishing with such devices. It is contrary to law to have seines, nets or traps in possession.
This new law will be rigidly enforced. The fish-hog must stop robbing the citizen who pays his dollar for clean, sportsmanlike fishing- Catfish can be taken by hook and line BUT IN NO OTHER MANNER.
The co-operation of all forward-looking citizens is requested in the enforcement of this law, as well as all game laws. Remember that the fish in the streams are YOURS. Help the game warden protect YOUR property. Help us stop illegal fishing so that YOU and YOUR BOY may have lawful fishing.
Help save Nebraska Game!